Re: [Open Annotation] some questions

> > 3) Is there a standard way to represent collections of annotations (in
> > Pundit we are calling them notebooks)? Should I use ORE Aggregations? I'm
> > not sure it is exactly what I need.. do you know if someone faced this
> > issue?
> ORE Aggregations would definitely be one way.  We have used that
> approach in the Shared Canvas work, combined with rdf:List to indicate
> order of the aggregated resources.
> Links:
> I don't think that we should formally recommend this in the
> specification however, it seems to be out of scope for an annotation
> specification to talk about the higher levels of collections, though
> an issue that will be very common, so a related best practices
> document seems to be in order.  Perhaps we could start that in the
> wiki?


> > 4) In Pundit we assume a web page can include what we call "named
> contents",
> > that are atomic, granular pieces of content that can have identifiers (
> > resolvable URLs). Think about a page that is divided in paragraphs. A web
> > representation of that page can include a number of paragraphs and
> > explicitly mark them up specifying identifiers (URLs) for each of them.
> Then
> > you could have a different page where some of the paragraphs appears,
> > perhaps mixed with other content (e.g. commentary, or text taken from
> other
> > sources, etc.). You can read more at under
> > "Play nice with Pundit".
> > In practice we are using such named contents as targets of our
> annotations
> > (instead of the URL of the enclosing web page), so that we are able to
> show
> > annotations in whatever web page includes those named contents, and
> > furthermore, allows us to correctly display the annotation even if the
> > around a named content changes. However, we also want an annotation to
> > remember the enclosing web page (containing the named content) where it
> has
> > been created. To this end we are using a pundit:hasPageContext relation.
> > ... I know this is a bit tricky and I hope I succeeded in explaining it
> :-)
> > Do you think this could be relevant to open annotation?
> Is it covered by the FragmentSelector and hasSource in place of
> hasPageContext, and the element id as the object of the rdf:value
> property?  Or if that's not appropriate, then a new selector with the
> named section and the html page linked to the specific resource.
> Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the exact nature of the named target?

So, to put it in code:

<Anno1> a oa:Annotation ;
    oa:hasBody <Body1> ;
    oa:hasTarget <SpTarget1> .

  <SpTarget1> a oa:SpecificResource ;
    oa:hasSelector <Svg1> ;
    oa:hasSource <>

  <Svg1> a oax:SvgSelector ;
         a cnt:ContentAsText ;
    cnt:chars "<circle cx="10" cy="20" r="10"/>" .

If I want to say that the image has been annotated while part of the Open
Annotation Community page:
Could I add something in the oa:SpecificResource instance pointing to that

> One thing I would avoid doing is using the named target as the
> identifier for the specific resource, in case people annotate it with
> State (to capture a particular time) or Style (to provide particular
> rendering attributes)



Dr. Paolo Ciccarese

Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 18:40:18 UTC