Public Editor's Draft of the OpenActive Activity List

Hi all,

I've just published a first editor's draft of the OpenActive Activity List
[1]. The list is an updated and revised version of what we've been
developing in our shared document [2].

The strategy for producing this initial version has been to merge together
the SportSuite, Sport England and EMD lists to produce a single,
comprehensive list.

I've spent some time reviewing how the 3 source lists relate to one
another. The SportSuite and Sport England lists had good overlap and
alignment in terms of structure. The EMD list is focused in a specific area
and so has been imported more or else completely.

This means that the current list is essentially a combination of all three
lists with minimal changes beyond some relatively minor tweaks to naming
and parent-child relationships. No new terms have been added, although a
list of potential additions has already been created (see "Suggested New
Terms" in [2]). Every item in the list also now has a unique identifier
(UUID and a URI)

The rationale for publishing the list in its current form is to:

* provide an openly licensed resource that developers can begin using in
* encourage data publishers to begin aligning their lists with our work,
now that stable identifiers are available
* provide a basis for further iteration, discussion and improvement

There is clearly more to be done to develop and improve the list further.
I've started collecting a list of issues in github [3]. I thought it might
be easier for people to comment on those individually, rather than on the
list itself.

Aside from editorial improvements such as adding synonyms and descriptions,
I think the main areas of work are to look at the structure of the list
(which is now relatively flat) and decide whether there are some better
ways of organising the activities.

Please take a look at the list and issues and let me know your thoughts.

I'd like to spend some time on our community hangout this Weds to discuss
next steps.




Leigh Dodds, Senior Consultant,
The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE

Received on Monday, 19 June 2017 14:43:30 UTC