Second call for papers DiSLiDaS 2023 collocated with LDK2023 - Extended deadline -

> Second call for papers
> Workshop _Discourse studies and linguistic data science: Addressing 
> challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and linguistic data 
> processing_ - DiSLiDaS 2023
> University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
> 12-13 September 2023 (TBA)
> Website:
> The fourth biennial conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 
> 2023) ( and Cost Action CA18209 
> _NexusLinguarum_ ( are glad to announce the 
> second workshop _Discourse studies and linguistic data science: 
> Addressing challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and 
> linguistic data processing_ - DiSLiDaS 2023.
> Conference aims and topics
> The workshop aims to follow through the topics discussed during 
> DiSLiDaS 2022 ( and to gather 
> current research advances in discourse analysis and representation, in 
> the context of multilinguality, from a linguistic and computational 
> perspective. We invite submissions addressing challenges such as 
> interoperability, linguistic linked open data (LLOD), and language 
> processing and analysis.
> The workshop topics are the following (but not limited to):
> * Discourse and dialogue annotation: Parsing and representation across 
> languages and frameworks
> * Discourse markers and discourse relations (RST, PDTB, SDRT): 
> Identification, prediction and extraction
> * Attitudes discovery and interpretation in Discourse: Appraisal and 
> sentiment
> * Effects of multimodality on discourse interpretation: Intonation, 
> gesture and text
> * Interoperability for Multilingual language data: Challenges of rich 
> and distributed data
> * Discourse data and machine learning: Methods and tools
> Discourse comprises a wide variety of linguistic phenomena, such as 
> discourse markers, discourse relations, and speaker attitude, which 
> have been largely studied by different communities of practice from 
> Linguistics and Computation, rendering several theoretical frameworks 
> (for instance, RST, SDRT, PDTB, for discourse relations; appraisal 
> theory for sentiment analysis,...), and technological approaches, such 
> as transformer models, embeddings and alike. Nonetheless, there are 
> open issues concerning interoperability, multilinguality, and language 
> processing, in particular, the existence of different annotation 
> schemas, disambiguation, lack of training data for machine learning, 
> scarcity of effective language phenomena detection and interpretation 
> methods, diverse vocabularies, insufficient multilingual parallel 
> corpora of non-dialogue and dialogue, initial stages of exploration of 
> multimodality.
> Discourse research is one of the central research areas of natural 
> language processing (NLP) too. NLP research focuses on the 
> formalisation, identification and discovery of semantic phenomena, 
> dialogue exchange structure, and text coherence. Some of the 
> technological approaches of NLP include the use of transformer models, 
> word embeddings, linguistic linked open data, the constitution of 
> aligned multilingual corpora, vocabularies of language phenomena and 
> alike. Computational discourse explores the evidence that language 
> consists not only of placing words in the right order but also of 
> detecting and interpreting the meaning and deeper textual relations and 
> organising ideas into a logical flow. The linguistic approaches study 
> language phenomena referring to coherence and cohesiveness of 
> discourse, lexical, phrasal, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic means to 
> express discourse relations, represent their roles and build language 
> resources for them.
> Despite all the advances, there are still plenty of unresolved problems 
> related to interoperability, multilinguality, and language processing. 
> With the growth of the Semantic Web and Linguistic Linked Data, 
> interoperability is key to reading, interpreting and adopting language 
> resources. The existence of different annotation schemas to encode 
> discourse relations constitutes a problem for data exchange and reuse 
> and for theoretical consistency. The treatment of multilinguality is 
> also complicated because of the insufficiency of multilingual parallel 
> corpora of collections of non-dialogue and dialogue texts, which would 
> allow systematic contrastive studies. As to language processing, the 
> lack of training data for machine learning, coupled with the scarcity 
> of effective language phenomena detection and interpretation methods, 
> the coexistence of diverse vocabularies, and the minimal attention to 
> the contribution of the tone of voice, intonation, gestures to the 
> meaning and the informative value of discourse elements make the task 
> of discourse processing still very challenging.
> The workshop intends to be a discussion forum for researchers 
> interested in addressing the aforementioned challenges and advancing 
> the state-of-art in discourse studies and linguistic data science.
> Programme
> The Scientific Programme will include one invited talk and oral 
> presentations.
> Invited Speaker
> Johan Bos, University of Groningen
> Submissions
> Submissions can be in the form of:
> * long papers: 9-12 pages;
> * short papers: 4-6 pages.
> All submission lengths are given including references. Accepted 
> submissions will be published by ACL in an open-access conference 
> proceedings volume, free of charge for authors. The ACL templates [1] 
> should therefore be used for all conference submissions. As the 
> reviewing process is single-blind, submissions should not be 
> anonymised.
> The workshop will be hybrid (face-to-face and remote). Note that at 
> least one author of each accepted paper must register to present the 
> paper at the workshop (either remotely or on-site). There will be no 
> registration fee administered for participating in DiSLiDaS 2023.
> Submissions must be submitted electronically via _EasyChair_:
> Important dates
> Time Zone: Anywhere on Earth
> Papers due: May, 19, 2023 -> May 30, 2023
> Papers acceptance notifications: June, 16, 2023
> Camera-ready papers due: June, 30, 2023
> Programme Committee
> Elena-Simona Apostol, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
> Harry Bunt, Tilburg University, Netherlands
> Maria Josep Cuenca, Universitat de València
> Debopam Das, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
> Jorge Garcia, University of Zaragoza, Spain
> Mikel Iruskieta, University of the Basque Country, Spain
> António Leal, University of Porto, Portugal
> Chaya Liebeskind, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
> Amália Mendes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
> Maciej Ogrodniczuk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
> Giedre Valunaite Oleskevicienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuanian
> Georg Rehm, DFKI GmbH, Germany
> Ted Sanders, Utrecht University, Netherlands
> Merel Scholman, University of Saarland, Germany
> Dimitar Trajanov, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, North Macedonia
> Radoslava Trnavac, University of Belgrade, Serbia
> Ciprian-Octavian Truica, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
> Amir Zeldes, The Georgetown University, USA
> Organising Committee
> Purificação Silvano, University of Porto, Portugal
> Mariana Damova, Mozaika, Ltd., Bulgaria
> Christian Chiarcos, Goethe-Universität, Germany
> Anna Bączkowska, University of Gdansk, Poland
> Contact
> Mariana Damova, PhD | CEO
> company: Mozajka Ltd
> email:
> web: [2]
> mobile: +359 885 796530 | twitter: @damom7                    linkedin: 


Received on Thursday, 18 May 2023 19:49:27 UTC