mapping properties of forms in Lexinfo

Dear all,

I write this email to ask for your advice. I am working on a  
conversion of a lexical resource for Italian in an ontolex-compliant  
format. This starting resource describes lemmas and associated forms,  
some of which are derived with suffixes (e.g. for the diminutive or  
the pejorative). This kind of form is described with a feature and  
associated values: “dim” for diminutive, “end” for endearment, “pej”  
for pejorative, and “aug” for augmentative. I am having some trouble  
with the conversion of these values to define forms. I set out to use  
Lexinfo, but, to the best of my knowledge, I have not found exact  
equivalents. I thought about using a sub-property of morphosyntactic  
properties but first wanted to figure out if there was a way to use a  
popular vocabulary like Lexinfo, rather than maintaining  
resource-specific values. I apologize for this possibly naive concern.

Thank you in advance.

Flavia Sciolette

Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2023 15:03:08 UTC