Is it possible to extract all english words and definitions?


I am developing a word game for (called Balda, it is already
available there) and I would like to add more words to it.
I have found a website  which accepts the
following SPARQL query:

SELECT distinct ?label, ?definition
    WHERE {
       ?sense a ontolex:LexicalSense ;
         skos:definition ?def .
       ?def rdf:value ?definition .
       FILTER(lang(?definition) = "en")
          SELECT * WHERE {
VALUES ?pos {<>}
             ?lexeme a ontolex:LexicalEntry ;
             rdfs:label ?label ;
             ontolex:canonicalForm ?form ;
             lime:language ?lang ;
             lexinfo:partOfSpeech   ?pos ;
             ontolex:sense  ?sense .
          FILTER(?lang = "en")
FILTER (regex(?label, '^[a-zA-Z]*$'))
FILTER (strstarts(str(?label), 'a'))
ORDER BY ASC(?label)

The query returns almost what I need. However the problem is that this
method does not allow to extract all the data, the results get cut off. Is
there a way to get all the rows of a query?

I am new here, sorry if this is not the right place to ask this question. I
have found this group when browsing .

Best regards,
Valdas Bučinskas


Received on Friday, 20 May 2022 08:39:24 UTC