TIAD-5 shared task - call for participation - Translation Inference Across Dictionaries @ LREC 2022

*apologies for cross-posting*

TIAD-5 shared task - call for participation - Translation Inference Across Dictionaries @ LREC 2022
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the fifth shared task for Translation Inference Across Dictionaries (TIAD 2022<https://tiad2022.unizar.es/>), that will be held in the framework of GLOBALEX Workshop on Linked Lexicography (GWLL 2022<https://globalex2022.globalex.link/lrec2022/>) in conjunction with the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022<https://lrec2022.lrec-conf.org/en/workshops-and-tutorials/ws-tut-schedule/>) in Marseille (France) on June 20, 2022.

The aim of the TIAD shared task is to explore and compare best methods and techniques to infer translations indirectly between language pairs, in the context of a coherent experiment that enables reliable validation and comparison of the results and to stimulate and enhance further research on the topic. The resources consist of datasets from the Apertium RDF graph (v2.0<https://zenodo.org/search?page=1&size=20&q=%22Ontolex-lemon%20and%20TIAD%20versions%22>), which includes 53 RDF bilingual dictionaries across 43 languages. Such techniques should help in auto-generating new bilingual and multilingual dictionaries based on existing ones.
The participating systems are asked to generate translations indirectly among three languages - English, French, Portuguese - based on already known translations contained in the Apertium RDF graph, where these languages are not connected directly.
Participants will apply their methodologies to discover indirect translations (mediated by any other language in the graph) between the pairs EN/FR, FR/PT and PT/EN, and may also make use of other freely available sources of background knowledge to improve performance, as long as no direct translations among the final language pairs are used.
Evaluation of the results will be carried out against manually compiled pairs from the Global Series<https://lexicala.com/resources#dictionaries> of K Dictionaries - Lexicala.

Participants will submit a system paper including a description of their system, the way the data were processed, the applied algorithms, the obtained results, as well as the conclusions and ideas for future improvements. The papers will be peer reviewed prior to publication to confirm that all aspects are well covered.
The workshop will accept also regular papers from participants who are not taking part in the shared task but have worked in the area of translation inference and want to publish novel results or ideas, possibly with different datasets and experimental basis from those proposed here.
Please submit a 1,000-word abstract, which will be evaluated based on scientific merit. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full version of the paper.
Papers should have 4-8 pages, according to the LREC submission format. The accepted papers will be published as part of the LREC workshops proceedings and presented during the Globalex workshop. Paper submission will go through the START system<https://lrec2022.lrec-conf.org/en/submission2022/authors-kit/>.

10/01/2022 - Technical description of evaluation process and data provided by the organisers
10/04/2022 - Submission of results by participating systems
29/04/2022 - Evaluation results communicated by organisers
27/05/2022 - Submission of system description papers
20/06/2022 - Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography day
NOTE: for regular papers, see the 'submission and timetable' section of GWLL 2022<https://globalex2022.globalex.link/lrec2022/>.


  *   Jorge Gracia, University of Zaragoza, Spain
  *   Besim Kabashi. Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
In conjunction with the GWLL 2022 organisers.

See https://globalex2022.globalex.link/lrec2022/.

A full description of TIAD-2022 is available at https://tiad2022.unizar.es/.
The GWLL 2022 website is at https://globalex2022.globalex.link/lrec2022/.
For queries, contact Jorge Gracia jogracia@unizar.es<mailto:jogracia@unizar.es>.

Received on Thursday, 3 February 2022 16:41:30 UTC