OntoLex/Nexus Linguarum telco on multimodality

Dear all,

out of the context of discussions on the emerging model on frequency,
attestations and corpus information, we have begun to also discuss matters
of multimodality, esp. -- but not restricted to -- sign languages, in the
context of FrAC. Nov 6th, we had a designated FrAC-multimodality call with
numerous participants from the Nexus Linguarum network (details and minutes
below). As a follow-up, we discussed to start a designated series of telcos
on aspects of multimodality that could run in parallel with FrAC telcos,
and -- after a considerable delay, apologies for that -- I would suggest to
start these calls early next year. Please find a Doodle poll under
https://doodle.com/poll/c6vxeetya7s6fypz. (Please let me know if additional
time slots are needed.)

Note that the scope, goals and extent of these telcos in relation to FrAC,
and OntoLex in general have not been discussed yet, and will likely be
addressed in a general discussion at the OntoLex meeting planned for
LDK-2021. It is possible that these discussions will eventually contribute
to an OntoLex module on multimodality in the lexicon, but this requires
approval by and coordination with the OntoLex chairs. Independently from
OntoLex, there seems to be considerable interest out of the Nexus Linguarum
network on such a discussion.

Best regards, take care and enjoy the holidays,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Max Ionov <max.ionov@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 5, 2020, 17:52
Subject: Frac module telco tomorrow, 06.11
To: public-ontolex <public-ontolex@w3.org>

Dear all,

This is a gentle reminder that a Frac module telco devoted to multimodal
aspects takes place *this Friday, 06.11* at noon CET.
This is not our regular timeslot and the regular time will still stay the

As usual, minutes are here:
Google Meet link is http://meet.google.com/qgm-rpnn-bbf

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 23 December 2020 16:53:43 UTC