MHDBDB: Connecting Senses with multiple Concepts

Dear Ontolex-List,

I'm writing as a team member of the "Middle High German Conceptual Database" (MHDBDB,<>), an onomasiological dictionary of middle high German. We are planning to convert our 40.000+ dictionary articles to Ontolex. An article consists of one or many senses which refer to one or many categories of our conceptual system:


In the example above you can see that the entry 'hûs' has two senses which each point to different categories in our conceptual system. The conceptual system has already been converted to SKOS. My attempt to express the entry 'hûs' with ontolex looks like this:

  <ontolex:Word rdf:about="">
    <lexinfo:partOfSpeech rdf:resource=""/>
    <ontolex:sense rdf:resource=""/>
    <ontolex:sense rdf:resource=""/>
  <ontolex:LexicalSense rdf:about="">
    <ontolex:isSenseOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <ontolex:isLexicalizedSenseOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <ontolex:isLexicalizedSenseOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <ontolex:isLexicalizedSenseOf rdf:resource=""/>
  <ontolex:LexicalSense rdf:about="">
    <ontolex:isSenseOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <ontolex:isLexicalizedSenseOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <ontolex:isLexicalizedSenseOf rdf:resource=""/>

As you can see above, I'm doing something probably not intended by Ontolex: A lexical sense consists of multiple isLexicalizedSenseOf references, mirroring the MHDBDB datastructure.

How could our article structure be transferred to Ontolex correctly according to the scheme?

Many thanks in advance and best regards

Peter Hinkelmanns MA
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Mittelhochdeutsche Begriffsdatenbank (MHDBDB) | IZMF
Universität Salzburg | Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, A-5020 Salzburg |
Tel. +43 662 8044 4339 | e-mail:<>
Internet: CV und Fodok<> |<> |<> |<>

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Received on Monday, 5 November 2018 11:17:48 UTC