RE: OntoLex tools/editors

Dear Thomas,

we decided to make two public packages, for the forms and for VB3 (even though VB3 is in alpha). I will write here in list soon with the links



From: Thomas Francart []
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 12:46 PM
To: Armando Stellato <>
Subject: Re: OntoLex tools/editors

Hello Armando
Thanks for your answer.

2017-03-29 12:08 GMT+02:00 Armando Stellato <<>>:
Dear Thomas,

Though there’s no direct support for Lemon for now in VB3 [1], we are enabling support for creation of ontolex entities and for previewing them in a nice way.

The idea is to use our “custom form” mechanism to enable creation (with one single form) of the complex RDF structures required by Ontolex.

You may read something about custom forms in a previous implementation in Seantic Turkey:

We have a on-development implementation of custom forms for VB3 allowing to create ontolex entities. Since a few things are being changed in these weeks (as VB3 itself is under development), if you are interested we can update our ontolex custom forms to the latest version updated version of VB3 and pack a distro for you.
You can call it a nightly-build, but it should pretty do its job :-) …and we will appreciate feedback for sure!

I would be very interested by this packaged distro. This would allow me to test VB3 for both SKOS management and its Ontololex editing features. I will most certainly give you feedback on both aspects.



[1] (for the wider audience…but you know it well ;-) )

From: Thomas Francart [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:11 AM
Subject: OntoLex tools/editors

Dear OntoLex group members
I am looking for tools that are compatible with the OntoLex model, or its predecessor, Lemon. More specifically I am looking for tools to create/edit/maintain a lexicon and export it in OntoLex/Lemon.
Ideally solutions that can articulate the lexicon with an ontology or a concept scheme.
Converters to/from the lexicon file formats of other existing tools would be also welcome.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated as I can't find anything myself, being new to the question of lexicon management.

Feel free to redirect me to other resources (OntoLex tools directory ?) or mailing lists if this is not the right place to ask.

Many Thanks and Best Regards


Thomas Francart - SPARNA
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Thomas Francart - SPARNA
Web de données | Architecture de l'information | Accès aux connaissances
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tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas

Received on Wednesday, 29 March 2017 15:38:08 UTC