OntoLex tools/editors

Dear OntoLex group members

I am looking for tools that are compatible with the OntoLex model, or its
predecessor, Lemon. More specifically I am looking for tools to
create/edit/maintain a lexicon and export it in OntoLex/Lemon.
Ideally solutions that can articulate the lexicon with an ontology or a
concept scheme.
Converters to/from the lexicon file formats of other existing tools would
be also welcome.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated as I can't find anything myself,
being new to the question of lexicon management.

Feel free to redirect me to other resources (OntoLex tools directory ?) or
mailing lists if this is not the right place to ask.

Many Thanks and Best Regards


*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
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Received on Wednesday, 29 March 2017 09:12:16 UTC