Migrating from Lemon to ontolex

Hi all,

I was just trying to do a quick and (hopefully no so) dirty migration of DBnary from legacy Lemon model to the current version of Ontolex.

However, as I am extensively using the lexinfo ontology, I was wondering if I had to switch to an "ontolex aware" lexinfo. But when I looked at the currently available ontology on lexinfo.net, it only mentions the lemon prefix (http://lemon-model.net/lemon#) and no ontolex prefix (http://www.w3.org/ns/lemon/ontolex#).

Is this normal, shouldn't it refer to the ontolex prefix to subclass the ontolex lexical entry class ?

In certain language I was stating :

:lexentry1 a lexinfo:Adverb

which implied 
:lexentry1 a lemon:Word
:lexentry1 a lemon:LexicalEntry

How can I imply
:lexentry1 a ontolex:Word ?

Thanks in advance,


Received on Friday, 10 March 2017 16:29:33 UTC