Re: Ontolex as an ISO international standard

> We have a lot of computers and phones, terabytes of disks, fancy  
> displays: but we still cannot represent a graph with a tree (or wake me  
> up when it will be possible ;-) ).

Amen to that. At least, it took people 20 years to acknowledge that the  
overhead of forcing graphs into trees basically eats up most of the  
benefits -- and obviously not everyone's convinced yet ;)


> Bonne journée,
> Gil
> Le 03/11/2016 à 06:53, Felix Sasaki a écrit :
>>> Am 02.11.2016 um 21:00 schrieb Thierry Declerck <>:
>>> On 02.11.2016 20:25, Christian Chiarcos wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> Hi Philipp, Paul, I fully support this move.
>>>> Standardizing Ontoles is a logical and necessary next step, and most
>>>> people would probably welcome it. The question is whether ISO is  
>>>> ideal for
>>>> the purpose.
>>>>> BTW, is ISO going to take the spec as it is, and propose a standard,  
>>>>> or it will only be the starting point of the notoriously lengthy and  
>>>>> tiring work of an ISO committee?
>>> Dear Christian, Aldo, all,
>>> Myself I have been rather against this step, but feeling unsure about  
>>> it.
>>> At least I could contribute from Austria.
>>> One aspect was also that DIN (the German ISO Branch) wanted to have  
>>> money from participating organizations (and at the end selling the  
>>> standards).... So that I stepped out from DIN.
>> Same here.
>>> I would prefer to continue the W3C path, but if not possible, then why  
>>> not getting the ISO stamp.
>>> There are ways to make sure that some ISO standards are not closed,  
>>> using the informative parts vs the normative part.
>>> In the informative part one could for example serialize the model (for  
>>> exemplifying it) . And well not a big deal  then to "reverse" a ttl or  
>>> RDF/XML back to the ontology.
>> If the aim to publish an ontology, FYI, there is a related W3C workshop  
>> coming up:
>> - Felix
>>> One thing I know is that  a new ISO item for LMF is planned ( to be  
>>> serialized it in TEI-XML, which I think  is a non-sense, since TEI is  
>>> hierarchical and purely semasiological. And LMF and Lemon support both  
>>> semasiological and onomasiologcal approaches to the lexicon).
>>> So: going for ISO-Lemon/ontolex might lead to interesting debates  
>>> within the corresponding ISO committee :-)
>>>> Well, we (or, at least, *someone*) probably cannot avoid the latter,  
>>>> do
>>>> we? In any case, the ISO standardization suffers from insufficient
>>>> transparency, also with respect to sharing and commenting drafts. I
>>>> remember TC37/SC4 drafts should not have been disseminated at some  
>>>> point,
>>>> and some server had to be switched off to prevent people from  
>>>> accessing
>>>> them. If we can make sure (!) that the ISO standardization process  
>>>> does
>>>> not hamper community involvement (at least at an informal level), I am
>>>> inclined to support it. Even though it means that the development  
>>>> process
>>>> will be partially taken from the hands of the current (open) community
>>>> (that's also what ISO means).
>>>> Does anyone has personal experience with the double ISO-W3C
>>>> standardization processes?
>>> No, but I found this:  
>>> (no time to read it right now)
>>> Cheers
>>> Thierry
>>>> Best,
>>>> Christian
>>> -- Thierry Declerck,
>>> Senior Consultant at DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Lab
>>> Stuhlsatzenhausweg, 3
>>> D-66123 Saarbruecken
>>> Phone: +49 681 / 857 75-53 58
>>> Fax: +49 681 / 857 75-53 38
>>> email:
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
>>> Firmensitz: Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
>>> Geschaeftsfuehrung:
>>> Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
>>> Dr. Walter Olthoff
>>> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>>> Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>>> Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------

Prof. Dr. Christian Chiarcos
Applied Computational Linguistics
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M.
60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

office: Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, #401b
tel: +49-(0)69-798-22463
fax: +49-(0)69-798-28931

Received on Friday, 4 November 2016 08:28:20 UTC