RE: Minutes teleconference last Friday

Hi Philipp,

> 3) Definition of LexicalizationSet, will copy from the lime module

Manuel made me notice the point above. Actually LexicalizationSet is representing the set of lexicalizations (triples binding LexicalEntries and OntoReferences), thus there is no entity for them and (as we also confirmed during the call) there is no need to put it into the core. This is analogous to the ConceptSet (which is in the core, as much as the Lexicon is) while the ConceptualizationSet is left in the metadata, as it is referring (statistics about) set of triples.

Our suspect is that maybe you were referring to something else and mistyped it, in case let us know.



P.S: there were also on the TODO list the change from Conceptualization to ConceptualizationSet (analogous to the name chosen for LexicalizationSet), but this has been left for the telco on metadata. The only thing spanning across the two was lime:Lexicon, which was already agreed to be replaced with (and unified to) ontolex:Lexicon, which is however already in the core. Then, at the best of our knowledge (and memories) there were nothing left to be copied from the lime module to the core.

Received on Monday, 11 May 2015 16:53:50 UTC