Re: summary of today's telco

Ok thanks Armando I fully agree.

On Saturday, July 18, 2015, Armando Stellato <>

>  Hi Aldo,
> point 4) originates from the intention to make the metadata module able to
> describe any kind of encoded lexical content (not only expressed through
> Lemon). To this end, it is possible in Lime to represent also
> lexicalizations provided by rdfs, skos, skosxl labeling properties, by
> asserting their respective vocabulary URIs as object of the property:
> lime:lexicalizationModel.
> Furthermore, if an ontology has no lexicalization at all, but its entity
> URIs are meaningful in some way (e.g. CamelCase  terms) we can state that
> by putting a special URI (again, as object of the property:
> lime:lexicalizationModel) to represent this.
> The temporary URI was: (I proposed this
> initially just as a placeholder) but I guess something more explicit, such
> as, would be more..meaningful
> itself ;)
> This possibility arose some discontent as it could seem like encouraging
> developers to use evocative URIs and to forget proper lexicalizations. On
> the other hand metadata, in doing its job, should really represent reality
> and not only ideal situations, and we all know how many ontologies are
> available without any label at all, and with meaningful URIs. Thus Philipp
> proposed this compromise: keep this URI out from the description of
> lexicalizationModel, and have a small paragraph in the specification
> discouraging the use of (only) meaningful URIs but allowing to represent
> their use as a lexicalization in Lime.
> Hope it clarifies and properly reports our discussion on the telco on this
> point,
> Cheers,
> Armando
>   ------------------------------
> Da: Aldo Gangemi <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
> Inviato: ‎18/‎07/‎2015 09:29
> A: Philipp Cimiano
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
> Cc:
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
> Oggetto: Re: summary of today's telco
>  Hi Philipp thanks. I do not understand (4): what is the intended scope
> of discouraging from using URIs to encode linguistic knowledge? An example?
> Aldo
> On Friday, July 17, 2015, Philipp Cimiano <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
> Dear all,
>  we took the following decisions today during the final ontolex telco:
> 1) The lexicalization model for ontolex should be:
> This concerns especially lime/example2
> 2) The property Average Number of Conceptualizations will be renamed into
> avgAmbiguity
> 3) The property Average Number of Lexical Entries per Concept will be
> renamed into avgSynonymy
> 4) We will add a sentence discouraging people from enconding linguistic
> knowledge in URIs, but will also point to the fact that if they do so, they
> should at least provide information on this as metadata, in particular
> including the language. For this, the property
> can be used as value of the property lexicalizationModel. In fact, we
> should strongly encourage people to use rdfs:label as lexicalization at the
> very least.
> 5) In the properties counting number of lexicalizations per ontology
> entity, etc. we should make clear that the entities of the ontology that
> constitute metadata should not be counted.
> 6) The domain of referenceDataset should be extended to include
> LexicalLinkSet
> 7) The domain of references should be extended to include LexicalLinkSet
> 8) The domain of concepts should be extended to include
> ConceptualizationSet
> 9) We decided to keep LexicalSense and OntoMap as a subclass of Lexical
> Sense, while realizing that this is possibly not the best choice. I would
> have favoured having the OntoMap as a separate entity that points to the
> LexicalSense, but so be it...
> 10) We discussed what to do with the definition property and decide to
> remove it and recommend in examples to use the skos:definition property.
> 11) We discussed the confidence property. There was a majority in favour
> of introducing the confidence property in vartrans. As a compromise, we
> agreed to introduce it into linginfo.
> The corresponding examples need to be update.
> OK, I think this is all for now...
> Armando/Manuel agreed to implement changes 1-9
> John agreed to add the property confidence into linginfo
> I will rework all the examples as I finally go over the whole spec...
> Kind regards,
> Philipp.
> --
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> AG Semantic Computing
> Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> Universität Bielefeld
> Tel: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 6560
> Mail:
> Office CITEC-2.307
> Universitätsstr. 21-25
> 33615 Bielefeld, NRW
> Germany

Received on Saturday, 18 July 2015 18:02:05 UTC