remarks on today's telco

Dear all,

  before I summarize the results of today's final telco on the ontolex 
model, let me thank all of you who have been working so intensively on 
the model in the last few months. The model has converged to a model 
that we can all be happy with and proud of. Surely, there are many 
aspects of the model that could still be improved, but after close to 
four years of discussion it is definitely time to produce a first 
release, ... and then wait and see how the model evolves and develops 

I am sure that each of one us has made compromises that they were not 
100% convinced of. This is a side-effect of developing a model as a 
community process. It strives for broader agreement at the expense of 
making decisions that some people disagree on. To come to an end, 
compromises have to be made, however, and I think this is something we 
all had to learn as the work on the model progressed. Nevertheless, I 
think we can be satisfied with the outcome.

Today's telco has for example shown again that the class LexicalSense 
and it subclass OntoMap are still debatable.
We had again debates on the properties definition, confidence etc.

All these debate are not new. The same arguments have been repeated 
today as those which have been put forth over the last years. This is a 
sign that we should simply stop discussions now and see how the model is 
actually used.

As John has advanced today, I see an opportunity to continue the ontolex 
work by including new modules: i) a module to model lexical semantics 
and semantic frames, ii) a module on morphology, etc. We will discuss 
this soon. There are also some initiatives to move the ontolex model to 
an ISO standard. I will keep you informed on this.

In August, John and myself will remove the last bugs in the 
specification, synchronize again the examples, ontology and the 
specification in the wiki. Then make sure that W3C hosts the files and 
finally announce the release of the model.

Thanks again for all your hard work, it will continue...

I am off for a three week holiday now, completely offline...

Best regards,


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
AG Semantic Computing
Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
Universität Bielefeld

Tel: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 6560

Office CITEC-2.307
Universitätsstr. 21-25
33615 Bielefeld, NRW

Received on Friday, 17 July 2015 19:29:36 UTC