Re: lime

Dear Philipp, Armando, All

please read my answer below.

2015-07-16 20:49 GMT+02:00 Philipp Cimiano <>

> I prefer to keep "reference dataset" only defined for LexicalizationSets
> as domain. For LexicalLinkSet we have the property conceptualDataset:
> The *conceptual dataset* property relates a lexical link set or a
> conceptualization set to a corresponding concept set.
> Is that not sufficient?
I can't answer for Armando, but in my opinion it is not sufficient.

A *lexical linkset *is a kind of *linkset *consisting of links between
ontology elements (from an ontology) and lexical concepts (from the a *concept
set*). We thus need two properties to hold each of the participants in the
linkset, both the ontology (or a dataset in general) and the concept set.
While the property *conceptual dataset* satisfies the need for a reference
to the concept set, we still need a reference the ontology/dataset
describing the domain.

Manuel Fiorelli

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2015 18:59:56 UTC