- From: Jorge Gracia <jgracia@fi.upm.es>
- Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2015 12:44:07 +0200
- To: Philipp Cimiano <cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de>
- Cc: "public-ontolex@w3.org" <public-ontolex@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CANzuSaPxvLJq_faR_vqCSps3-BaUWCpg0O+7tBAzvdwrwfAqrQ@mail.gmail.com>
Dear Philipp, all In the vartrans module, a "translation" property is defined as a shortcut of the "Translation" class [1]. However, the chosen identifier violates our rule of not using the same word to identify both a class and a property. A new name should be found for this property. Nevertheless, if such a property is there for backwards compatibility only, I see a simpler solution, which is to use lexinfo:translation and define it as a sense relation: lexinfo:translation rdfs:subPropertyOf vartrans:senseRel (although I am not 100% happy with this solution, either). Maybe we could briefly discuss about this in our next telco. Regards, Jorge [1] https://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/wiki/Final_Model_Specification#Translation_as_a_relation_between_lexical_senses 2015-07-06 10:19 GMT+02:00 Philipp Cimiano <cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de> : > Dear all, > > I have implemented now all the changes in the vartrans module that > Manuel, Jorge and Lupe pointed me to. Also the ontologies and the examples > have been updated... > > Let me also say that I have done a number of more fundamental changes in > the synsem module in agreement with John. Fortunately, these are rather > conceptual changes and have little impact on the actual way the model will > be used. In fact, from the structure these changes are quite backwads > compatible both with what we had so far as well as with the original lemon > model. > > Let me explain a bit the rationale for this.... > > It has been clear that there has been quite some discussion on the > SemanticFrame class and in particular whether there is such a thing as a > semantic argument in the model and whether semantic arguments are distinct > from each other... > > It seems to me that the main issue has been that the SemanticFrame class > has been interpreted differently as it was supposed to. Essentialy, this > class was supposed to represent the bindings of arguments of ontological > predicates to the syntactic arguments they are realized by. However, I > agree that the name "SemanticFrame" makes one think about "Frames" in the > tradition of Framenet, which actually in our case would play the role of > ontological "references" rather than of Lexical Senses. > > Further, it was indeed awkard to say that a SemanticFrame is a subclass of > LexicalSense. > > Thus, John came up with a proposal I like quite a lot and which I have > implemented in the wiki, ontology and examples already. The proposal > consists in renaming a few classes to make their actual role and function > better graspable and to avoid confusion with other related but not > equivalent concepts. So here is the proposed renaming: > > SemanticFrame -> OntoMap (reflecting that it actually specifies how the > ontological arguments of a predicate "map" to syntactic arguments of a > syntactic frame and the other way round; this thus more or less corresponds > to the SynSemCorrespondence in KMF). > > SemanticArgument -> obsolete (not needed anymore) > > Syntactic Argument and Syntactic Frame -> stay as they are > > semArg -> ontoCorrespondence (to make clear that it establishes a > correspondence between an ontological argument and a syntactic argument) > > subframe -> submap (to be consistent with renaming SemanticFrame as > OntoMap) > > I hope you all agree with these changes. Please review them carefully. We > will have chance to discuss them on the 17th of Juli where we will have the > final telco on the model. > > I send a separate email to remind us all of the upcoming discussion on the > LIME module this week. > > Kind regards, > > Philipp. > > -- > -- > Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano > AG Semantic Computing > Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) > Universität Bielefeld > > Tel: +49 521 106 12249 > Fax: +49 521 106 6560 > Mail: cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de > > Office CITEC-2.307 > Universitätsstr. 21-25 > 33615 Bielefeld, NRW > Germany > > > -- Jorge Gracia, PhD Ontology Engineering Group Artificial Intelligence Department Universidad Politécnica de Madrid http://jogracia.url.ph/web/
Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 10:44:57 UTC