SLSP 2014: call for participation

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SLSP 2014

Grenoble, France

October 14-16, 2014

Organised by:

Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University



Tuesday, October 14

9:00 - 10:00 Registration

10:00 - 10:15 Opening

10:15 - 11:05 Roger K. Moore: Spoken Language Processing: Time to Look Outside? - Invited Lecture

11:05 - 11:35 Coffee Break

11:35 - 12:50

Georgios Kontonatsios, Claudiu Mihaila, Ioannis Korkontzelos, Paul Thompson, and Sophia Ananiadou: A Hybrid Approach to Compiling Bilingual Dictionaries of Medical Terms from Parallel Corpora

Wei Liu, Zhipeng Chang, and William J. Teahan: Experiments with a PPM Compression-based Method for English-Chinese Bilingual Sentence Alignment

Chi-kiu Lo and Dekai Wu: BiMEANT: Integrating Cross-lingual and Monolingual Semantic Frame Similarities in the MEANT Semantic MT Evaluation Metric

12:50 - 14:20 Lunch

14:20 - 15:35

Mathias Verbeke, Vincent Van Asch, Walter Daelemans, and Luc De Raedt: Lazy and Eager Relational Learning using Graph-Kernels

Mohamed Amine Boukhaled, and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Probabilistic Anomaly Detection Method for Authorship Verification

Uli Fahrenberg, Fabrizio Biondi, Kevin Corre, Cyrille Jegourel, Simon Kongshj, and Axel Legay: Measuring Global Similarity between Texts

16:00 - 18:00 Touristic visit

Wednesday, October 15

9:00 - 9:50  Claire Gardent: Syntax and Data-to-Text Generation - Invited Lecture

9:50 - 10:05 Break

10:05 - 11:20

Borbála Siklósi and Attila Novák: Identifying and Clustering Relevant Terms in Clinical Records Using Unsupervised Methods

Amine Abdaoui, Jérôme Azé, Sandra Bringay, Natalia Grabar, and Pascal Poncelet: Predicting Medical Roles in Online Health Fora

Ekaterina Pronoza, Elena Yagunova, and Svetlana Volskaya: Corpus-based Information Extraction and Opinion Mining for the Restaurant Recommendation System

11:20 - 11:50 Coffee Break and Group Photo

11:50 - 13:05

Raúl Ernesto Gutierrez de Piñerez Reyes and Juan Francisco Díaz-Frías: Informal Mathematical Discourse Parsing with Conditional Random Fields

Waad Ben Kheder, Driss Matrouf, Pierre-Michel Bousquet, Jean-François Bonastre and Moez Ajili: Robust Speaker Recognition Using MAP Estimation of Additive Noise in i-vectors Space

Arseniy Gorin and Denis Jouvet: Structured GMM Based on Unsupervised Clustering for Recognizing Adult and Child Speech

13:05 - 14:35 Lunch

14:35 - 16:35 Visit to the Domus apartment

Thursday, October 16

9:00 - 9:50 Martti Vainio: Phonetics and Machine Learning: Hierarchical Modelling of Prosody in Statistical Speech Synthesis - Invited Lecture

9:50 - 10:05 Break

10:05 - 11:20

Gábor Kiss and Klára Vicsi: Physiological and Cognitive Status Monitoring on the Base of Acoustic-phonetic Speech Parameters

Barbara Schuppler, Sebastian Grill, André Menrath, and Juan A. Morales-Cordovilla: Automatic Phonetic Transcription in Two Steps: Forced Alignment and Burst Detection

Mian Du, Matthew Pierce, Lidia Pivovarova, and Roman Yangarber: Supervised Classification using Balanced Training

11:20 - 11:50 Coffee Break

11:50 - 13:05

Márius Šajgalík, Michal Barla, and Mária Bieliková: Exploring Multidimensional Continuous Feature Space to Extract Relevant Words

Zhemin Zhu, Djoerd Hiemstra, and Peter Apers: Linear Co-occurrence Rate Networks (L-CRNs) for Sequence Labeling

Théodore Bluche, Hermann Ney, and Christopher Kermorvant: Handwriting Recognition with Deep and Recurrent Neural Networks

13:05 - 13:15 Closing

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Received on Sunday, 21 September 2014 09:40:38 UTC