Re: name of the ontolex model

Dear all,

  I feel that we are reaching a consensus on the naming, that's good. I 
propose we let the discussion settle a bit and we take up the point in a 
few weeks.

We will have a poll in the near future.

Let's start with the work on the modules!



Am 17.09.13 15:08, schrieb Alessandro Oltramari:
> No need to challenge me :)
> Sorry I might have missed John's proposal last week (I was dealing 
> with a bad names?!): lemon-ontolex is a good compromise, 
> I agree.
> Best,
> Ale
> On Sep 17, 2013, at 1:46 AM, Philipp Cimiano wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>  regarding the name of the model, I agree with Francis Bond here. As 
>> it has turned out, the ontolex model we are currently developing 
>> really subsumes the lemon model in the sense of extending it with a 
>> number of properties, at least what the core parts of both models are 
>> concerned.
>> So while the ontolex model is definitely new and based on a broader 
>> consensus, it is still very similar to the original lemon model that 
>> many people on this group have offered as input to the work of this 
>> community group.
>> It turns out that much more people have adopted lemon than originally 
>> expected, partly because some people have been quite successful in 
>> lobbying, but that is exactly what is expected to happen in 
>> pre-standardization activities.
>> So I would say that this group has a chance: the chance of building 
>> on an existing community that will set an important baseline that we 
>> can jump upon to make sure that our model receives wide adoption.
>> By coming up with a totally different name, we might loose this 
>> community of early adopters (we might not, I concede, but there is a 
>> risk clearly).
>> I think that lemon2 (proposed by me) and lemon-w3c (proposed by Aldo) 
>> are good compromises in this direction as they clearly indicate that 
>> we are talking here about an extended version of the lemon model, 
>> which, as it turns out, is what we have yielded by now. However, 
>> assuming that one day our model will become a W3C standard, the w3c 
>> suffix will be redudant as we might anyway have 
>> <> in the namespace.
>> I also like the proposal of John very much of calling the core we 
>> have been developing lemon-ontolex and then the other modules: 
>> lemon-syntax, lemon-morph, lemon-lexnet, lemon-lime etc. I find this 
>> very chique an a good compromise actually. This is in line with our 
>> clear vote for fostering a modular approach.
>> Having said this, I would like to challenge Guido, Alessandro and Gil 
>> to argue against this proposal ;-) I challenge you also to make 
>> proposals how me make sure that we do not loose the early adopters 
>> that could potentially be confused by a new standard with a new name.
>> Just my two cents on the discussion so far.
>> Philipp.
>> Am 17.09.13 03:47, schrieb Francis Bond:
>>> I would also vote for keeping the name the same.   I find having 
>>> multiple names for similar things much more confusing than calling 
>>> incremental improvements with the same name :-).
>>> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 6:21 PM, John McCrae < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>     Hi all,
>>>     I think Gil puts the issue quite well, renaming would be a
>>>     "fresh start". I just don't think we need a "fresh start" for
>>>     several reasons... firstly that the "lemon" brand is proving
>>>     quite successful, entirely due to the hard work of many members
>>>     of this group.
>>>     Secondly, the model is not fundamentally new but builds on the
>>>     existing lemon core model, see attached diagram to illustrate my
>>>     point. I don't think there should be need for confusion between
>>>     the models as they are fundamentally iterations in the same
>>>     direction.
>>>     Finally, looking to the future development of the model, I first
>>>     note we are a long way behind our original schedule. As it seems
>>>     that we have ended up more or less building on the work of
>>>     Lemon, I suggest we take this as a template for the module work.
>>>     i.e., take as a basis the existing modules in Lemon (where
>>>     extant) and then discuss how to improve them.
>>>     Taking this in mind perhaps the best proposal would be that of
>>>     Aldo, where Lemon is used for the wider context of the model
>>>     created by the group and OntoLex used for this specific "core"
>>>     part of the model. Thus this core model would be "Lemon OntoLex"
>>>     and the modules would take names such as "Lemon Syntax", "Lemon
>>>     Metadata" (or "Lemon Lime")
>>>     Regards,
>>>     John
>>>     On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 3:55 PM, Alessandro Oltramari
>>>     < <>> wrote:
>>>         As mentioned in a previous message, I agree with Guido and
>>>         Gil's stance.
>>>         Apologies for not calling in today.
>>>         Best,
>>>         Alessandro
>>>         On Sep 13, 2013, at 9:37 AM, Gil FRANCOPOULO wrote:
>>>>         Dear all,
>>>>         I agree with Guido.
>>>>         The new model is broader, defined with different people,
>>>>         under a different administrative umbrella, so this is
>>>>         different.
>>>>         Using the name "lemon" is confusing.
>>>>         In the future, if somebody says "lemon", we need to ask:
>>>>         what "lemon" are you talking about ? The old one or the new
>>>>         one.
>>>>         Using the term "ontolex", means a fresh and clean start,
>>>>         for new adventures...
>>>>         Best,
>>>>         Gil Francopoulo
>>>>             > Message du 13/09/13 14:45
>>>>             > De : "Guido Vetere"
>>>>             > A : "
>>>>             <>"
>>>>             > Copie à : "Philipp Cimiano" , "Guadalupe Aguado de
>>>>             Cea" , <>
>>>>             > Objet : Re: ontolex telco tomorrow 15:00 CET
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Dear all,
>>>>             >
>>>>             > although, as Shakespeare, said "a rose by any other
>>>>             name would smell as sweet", I think that names matter.
>>>>             I think that keeping 'lemon' (or a variant) would
>>>>             suggest that the work we are doing is basically a
>>>>             follow-on of the Lemon initiative, which, at the time
>>>>             the group has been established, was not the case, at
>>>>             least in my understanding. Hence, I think that keeping
>>>>             the original 'ontolex' name is a better option.
>>>>             >
>>>>             > I'm unable to attend the call this evening, sorry
>>>>             about that.
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Regards,
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Guido Vetere
>>>>             > Manager, Center for Advanced Studies IBM Italia
>>>>             > _________________________________________________
>>>>             > Rome Trento
>>>>             > Via Sciangai 53                   Via Sommarive 18
>>>>             > 00144 Roma, Italy                 38123 Povo in Trento
>>>>             > +39 (0)6 59662137 <tel:%2B39%20%280%296%2059662137>
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Mobile: +39 3357454658 <tel:%2B39%203357454658>
>>>>             > _________________________________________________
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             *John McCrae *
>>>>             > Sent by:
>>>>             <>
>>>>             > 13/09/2013 11:43
>>>>             To
>>>>             Guadalupe Aguado de Cea 	
>>>>             cc
>>>>             Philipp Cimiano , "
>>>>             <>" 	
>>>>             Subject
>>>>             Re: ontolex telco tomorrow 15:00 CET
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Hi all,
>>>>             >
>>>>             > I apologise I will also not be able to attend as I am
>>>>             travelling today. I wanted to make a quick couple of
>>>>             points about the naming of the model.
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Firstly, the model is not drastically new in fact in
>>>>             terms of URIs 15 of the properties are exactly the same
>>>>             as they are in the original /lemon/ core where as only
>>>>             9 are new introductions, and 4 are not carried over
>>>>             from the ontolex core (although these should be
>>>>             included in modules).
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Also, I am here at RANLP and /lemon/ has been
>>>>             mentioned in several talks including one of the
>>>>             keynotes, at tutorials and many times in the NLP&LOD
>>>>             workshop. Many people who I talked to about the naming
>>>>             of the model seemed not keen accept a change of name.
>>>>             >
>>>>             > For these two reasons I feel that we really should to
>>>>             keep lemon in the name but would be happy with Lemon2
>>>>             or W3C-Lemon as a name
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Regards,
>>>>             > John
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             > On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Guadalupe Aguado de
>>>>             Cea <
>>>>             <>> wrote:
>>>>             > Dear all,
>>>>             >
>>>>             > I won't be able to join the telco as I have a meeting
>>>>             in another town.
>>>>             > As for the name of the model, the last 2 suggestions
>>>>             proposed by Phillipp and Aldo: lemon2, and lemon-W3C
>>>>             could be Ok, though I'm more inclined to the first one,
>>>>             lemon2. Exactly for the reasons given by Philipp.
>>>>             >
>>>>             > I know that Elena & Jorge will attend the telco, so
>>>>             they'll tell me about the commitments and the modules..
>>>>             > Best regards
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Lupe
>>>>             >
>>>>             > El 12/09/2013 14:38, Philipp Cimiano escribió:
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Dear all,
>>>>             >
>>>>             >    this is a gentle reminder that we will have our
>>>>             regular ontolex telco tomorrow Friday at the regular time.
>>>>             >
>>>>             > See access details here:
>>>>   ,_2013.13.09,_15-16_pm_CET
>>>>             >
>>>>             > The agenda from my side is as follows:
>>>>             >
>>>>             > 1) Modules: decide which modules need to be developed
>>>>             and which use cases will drive them, fix responsibles
>>>>             for module development
>>>>             > 2) Name of the model: discuss different points of view
>>>>             > 3) Linking: what to link to
>>>>             >
>>>>             > I look forward to talking to you all on Friday.
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Best regards,
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Philipp.
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             > --
>>>>             > Guadalupe Aguado de Cea
>>>>             > Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada
>>>>             > Miembro del Ontology Engineering Group -OEG
>>>>             > Facultad de Informática
>>>>             > Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>>>>             > Campus de Montegancedo, sn
>>>>             > 28660, Boadilla del Monte, Spain
>>>>             >
>>>>             > Home page: <>
>>>>             > e-mail:
>>>>             <>
>>>>             > Telef.: 34-91-3367415
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             >
>>>>             > IBM Italia S.p..A.
>>>>             > Sede Legale: Circonvallazione Idroscalo - 20090
>>>>             Segrate (MI)
>>>>             > Cap. Soc. euro 347.256.998,80
>>>>             > C. F. e Reg. Imprese MI 01442240030 - Partita IVA
>>>>             10914660153
>>>>             > Società con unico azionista
>>>>             > Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e
>>>>             coordinamento di International Business Machines
>>>>             Corporation
>>>>             >
>>>>             > (Salvo che sia diversamente indicato sopra / Unless
>>>>             stated otherwise above)
>>>         *_Alessandro Oltramari_*
>>>         Research Associate
>>>         Psychology Department, Carnegie Mellon University
>>>         5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15213
>>>         Tel.: +1-412-268-6284 <tel:%2B1-412-268-6284> Fax.:
>>>         +1-412-268-2798 <tel:%2B1-412-268-2798>     Mobile:
>>>         +1-412-689-1514 <tel:%2B1-412-689-1514>
>>>         Homepage:
>>>         LinkedIn:
>>>         Twitter/Skype: oltramale
>>>         /
>>>         /
>>>         "There’s no such thing as the unknown– only things
>>>         temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.” [Capt. J.T.
>>>         Kirk]
>>>         "To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare
>>>         is to lose oneself." [S. Kierkegaard]
>>> -- 
>>> Francis Bond <>
>>> Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies
>>> Nanyang Technological University
>> -- 
>> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
>> Phone: +49 521 106 12249
>> Fax: +49 521 106 12412
>> Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
>> Raum 2.307
>> Universität Bielefeld
>> Inspiration 1
>> 33619 Bielefeld
> *_Alessandro Oltramari_*
> Research Associate
> Psychology Department, Carnegie Mellon University
> 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15213
> Tel.:  +1-412-268-6284 Fax.: +1-412-268-2798     Mobile: +1-412-689-1514
> Homepage:
> LinkedIn:
> Twitter/Skype: oltramale
> /
> /
> "There’s no such thing as the unknown– only things temporarily hidden, 
> temporarily not understood.” [Capt. J.T. Kirk]
> "To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose 
> oneself." [S. Kierkegaard]


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano

Phone: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 12412

Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
Raum 2.307
Universität Bielefeld
Inspiration 1
33619 Bielefeld

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 21:50:42 UTC