Re: Identification of the same resource across many domains


Firstly I don't think this is the right mailing list for your query, you
would likely have more luck on This list is for the
development of a model for describing how ontologies can be annotated with
lexical information.

As for the question, there is no system to assign a unique global URI for a
concept, instead all of the dataset have their own URIs for each concept.
It depends what you want to do, but normally you should decide to use one
dataset's URI (e.g., DBpedia) and use owl:sameAs links in the other


On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Olivier Austina

> Hi,
> I would like to know if there is a single URI that can be understood
> across many domains (or datasets). For example the same entity New York
> City is defined by the following URI:
> for DBpedia :
> for Yago:
> for The New York Time :
> Is there a single URI or naming convention (or a software) that can be
> understood by these datasets?
> I am looking for a unique identifier independent of the domain or the
> location of the resource but that can be understood within a specific
> domain. Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks.
> Regards
> Olivier

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2013 15:32:56 UTC