Specification of requirements

Dear Philipp,

Two points of detail:

It seems that there is a typo on:

lexicon models such as LMF as well as terminology models such as LMF
Should be:
lexicon models such as LMF as well as terminology models such as TMF

Concerning: the principle of /semantics by reference/ in the sense that 
the meaning of a lexical entry is specified by reference to an 
individual, class, object property or datatype property in a given ontology

I have a question concerning the term "reference". Could the individual 
class describe an abstract notion like "happiness" ?
Or is is restricted to flaccid and rigid designators, as mentionned in 
the Kripkean lectures?

Gil Francopoulo

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 09:21:03 UTC