Re: ODRL Shapes

Dear all,

I haven’t created any shape for ODRL, but using the tool Astrea <> and providing the TTL of the ontology you can get a first version of a SHACL shape for ODRL. However, for sure, it will require fine tuning to be more restrictive but it could be a good starting point if you like. I attached the result generated with this tool.

Best regards,
Andrea C.

Dr. Andrea Cimmino Arriaga
Profesor Permanente Laboral
Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos,
Ontology Engineering Group
Campus Sur de la UPM.
C. de Alan Turing, s/n. 28031, Madrid, Madrid SPAIN
✉ <>
✆ +34 671 09 06 24 <tel:+34-671-09-06-24>
Aviso / Disclaimer <> 🌳 🌳 Piensa antes de imprimir.

> El 26 feb 2025, a las 11:25, Joshua Cornejo <> escribió:
> Hi,
> I keep meaning to start one - but so far my inputs are JSON (not even LD) and the API controllers can validate a match between a JSON document and a specific class, so the environment is doing all of that work for me. 
> If you think there's a valid reason to do one, I might take the task more serious.
> From memory. although neither covers all use cases:
> - Wout's work ->;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!WLgklFj048-tRMdDAjwGRSRJJ70SVm5sX7i0-qksA64u1IBXFeXxT51_FpB2bqasDpCGqQSMBe9fMNaP9v3YAkxn$ 
> - LLM4ODRL ->;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!WLgklFj048-tRMdDAjwGRSRJJ70SVm5sX7i0-qksA64u1IBXFeXxT51_FpB2bqasDpCGqQSMBe9fMNaP9jxeze5l$ 
> I'm sure there's another one somewhere that is from pre-2020 but I can't find it.
> Regards,
> ___________________________________
> Joshua Cornejo
> marketdata <;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!WLgklFj048-tRMdDAjwGRSRJJ70SVm5sX7i0-qksA64u1IBXFeXxT51_FpB2bqasDpCGqQSMBe9fMNaP9toUTIvn$ >
> smart authorisation management for the AI-era
> On 26/02/2025, 05:03, "Renato Iannella" <> wrote:
>    Hi all..
>    Has anyone ever created/seen SHACL shapes defined for ODRL policy instances?
>    Cheers…Renato

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2025 11:40:39 UTC