Re: First example

Hi Joshua,

Thanks a lot for your contribution!
I am sorry for my late answer.

There is not much for me to give feedback, for the page shows the 
expressions in your own syntax (except the example in the bottom). But 
there are probably nice aspects to be shared: the way you encode the 
accrual_periodicity, the way you describe the DataService, etc.

I took a look at the Turtle example. My 2 cents:
1) The file is not syntactically correct. At least namespaces are 
missing (I cannot load the file with standard tools).
2) Maybe the use of "odrl:and" could have been spared, for the logical 
conjunction is the default behaviour when two constraints, restrictions, 
etc. exist.
3) Which feature in the example do you think that might be of interest 
for others? (e.g. you had to interpet an ambiguous part of the spec, or 
your example was particularly interesting, or covers aspects that were 
missing in the spec/best practices etc...). Maybe these nice aspects can 
be singled out...

Question to the group: shouldn't we update the wiki with this and the 
other implementations presented in the last few weeks/months?


El 07/10/2024 a las 12:10, Joshua Cornejo escribió:
> Hello everyone,
> I’ve worked on a “first example”.
> Following today’s call and if I get clarification on refinements, I 
> will update that post with the TTL (and anyone interested in JSON-LD, 
> but it is impractical) for all the elements.
> Comments are appreciated.
> ___________________________________
> *Joshua Cornejo*
> *marketdata <>*
> embed open standards
> across your supply chain

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D2110 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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Received on Monday, 21 October 2024 11:24:07 UTC