Re: ODRL JSON-LD examples (was Re: ODRL Version 2.1 Final Draft Specifications )

On 1/21/15 9:28 AM, Myles, Stuart wrote:
> These are questions about At present, (and
> hence the search engines which implement it) do not support ODRL
> type statements. Given that, I believe these FAQs are relevant,
> since they talk about how plans to evolve:

Thank you Stuart. I had skimmed parts of that FAQ but you've 
identified the relevant parts that I missed.

It appears then that after a decade of incubation of ODRL, in terms of 
wide adoption by search engines, it's still a chicken-and-egg problem 
-- there will be wide adoption in main search engines when there's 
wide usage, and there will be wide usage when there's wide adoption in 
main search engines...  :-)

The egg appears to be healthy and warm, though, so there's still hope! 
  :-) .

Steven R.

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 21:59:22 UTC