Re: Question about ODRL 2.0 Common Vocabulary


> my purpose is to conduct a research about ODRL
> 1.1 and ODRL 2.0 for my graduation thesis, with some practical example
> about real and study cases.

Without knowing much details about the scope of your thesis, I would 
suggest you to
have a look at the upcoming ODRL 2.1 Core Model[1] and Vocabulary 
Specification[2], too.
There are some extensive differences between 2.1 and 2.0, not to mention 
2.1/2.0 to 1.1..



DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna

www:  twitter: @simonsteys

Am 2015-02-25 12:44, schrieb Agnese Farinelli:
> Good morning,
> I wrote you this email for clarify, if I am allowed, a few doubt about
> ODRL 2.0 Common Vocabulary and the possibility to extend this
> vocabulary with dedicated profiles. In your ODRL 2.0 Common Vocabulary
> final specification
> ( [1]) I read
> that the possibility to extend the Common Vocabulary is concrete but I
> didn't find any technical implementation for this kind of extension
> (differently, I found all the informations what I need about the
> extension of Core Model in the Core Model concrete XML Schema). I
> forget to tell you that I am an Information Technology student in
> University of Milan: my purpose is to conduct a research about ODRL
> 1.1 and ODRL 2.0 for my graduation thesis, with some practical example
> about real and study cases. I need to extend the ODRL 2.0 Common
> Vocabulary with some specific permissions and constraints (and other
> stuff, of course) what are more adapted to define licences over my
> study cases.
> So, my question is: where can I find a concrete example about Common
> Vocabulary extension? Something like an .xsd file for ODRL 1.1 where I
> can use something like the ODRL 1.1 SubstitutionGroup to define new
> permissions or constraints. Always if this is possible, because I
> found several technical reports and specification documents about
> ideas or projects for future Community Profiles, but I didn't find any
> examples or implementations of this kind of projects.
> Thanks a lot for your attention, and I ask you to forgive me for my
> bad english.
> I am waiting for an answer.
> My best regards.
> Farinelli Agnese
> Links:
> ------
> [1]

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2015 07:39:11 UTC