Core Model Update

Dear all, here is a proposal to clarify two issues in the Core Model.

1 - Permission/Prohibition context

Since there is some confusion as to how these two work together, it is proposed to add the following text (to section 2.0):

The basic context of an ODRL Policy is that only an explicitly permitted use can be executed, any not permitted use is prohibited by default.

Based on that context, an ODRL Policy must contain at least one Permission and may contain Prohibitions.
An ODRL Policy only permits the action explicitly specified in a Permission and all other actions are implicitly prohibited.

An action defined in a Prohibition should only refine (or directly relate to) the semantics of an action defined in one of the Permissions in the
ODRL Policy.

For example, an ODRL Policy that has the action "present" Permission and may also have the action "print" Prohibition (as these actions are related
hierarchically in the ODRL Common Vocabulary).

Note that ODRL Profiles may refine the basic context of an ODRL Policy. Hence the use of an ODRL Profile must be understood by the consuming system.

2 - Types of Inheritance

We currently state:
"The inheritRelation attribute in the (child) Policy will uniquely identify (via a UID) the type of inheritance from the (parent) Policy. For example, this may indicate the business scenario"

This is not clear as to how the "type" impacts with the actual inherited policy. The use case we want to support is that the current policy is "governed" by an some external policy, that you need to "inherit" the rules from, but it is not necessarily expressed as an actual ODRL Policy (what the inheritFrom attribute is expecting).

Hence we want to use the inheritFrom attribute and inheritRelation attribute independently (in some cases that typically would be documented in an ODRL Profile).

The proposal is to update the text of section 2.1.1. to clarify the above.

Comments/Feedback welcome.

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206

Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 10:57:32 UTC