Students' Research Project on ODRL

Dear all,

as already mentioned on the teleconference in April, we are working on a 
students' research project about ODRL in the context of our Master 
programme. The project is supervised by Andreas Kasten.

As a first step, we analyzed the current ODRL model for drawbacks to get 
starting points for possible improvements. The results of this analysis 
were accepted as paper for the Virtual Goods 2013 and will be presented 
there. Most of the drawbacks were identified while working with ODRL 2.0 
to embed and visualize licenses in web pages during our project ROX [1]. 
ROX uses an OWL ontology of the current ODRL 2.0 model and some of the 
experimental features [2].

Currently, we are working on a modified ODRL containing the proposed 
changes from the paper (and some more). As a last step we plan to create 
an OWL ontology for our new model. It is planned to publish first 
results at the end of July. As our report for the University of Koblenz 
will be written in German, it might take some extra time to translate 
the main results in English and present them to the community.


Stefan Becker, Benjamin Hück, Katharina Naujokat, and Arne F. Schmeiser

[1] Webpage in German:
[2] Ontology: 

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 09:02:50 UTC