Re: ODRL Profile for Linked Data

Thanks Renato!

I will be glad to explore this!

As a first step, we would like to provide more examples of existing data 
licenses represented in ODRL, not only as XML but also in the RDF form.
Hence, we would derive a simple compatibility test, to automatically 
obtain the license of the aggregation of two datasets differently licensed.
Much as what we have been exploring here [1] for software licenses.
This would also validate the current draft OWL (or reveal missing pieces...)

Does it sound a reasonable beginning?


[1], then click on "compatibility" in the 
upper link.

El 04/06/2013 5:22, Renato Iannella escribió:
> Hi Victor, welcome to the group...
>> Now that a draft ODRL Ontology has been released, I would like to call the attention for the use of ODRL to license Linked Data. Linked Data as a marketable asset, possibly licensed with ODRL. Has it been analyzed whether the current vocabulary suffices for describing the scenario of marketable RDF datasets?
> Obviously, we would be more than happy to see ODRL being used to describe LOD datasets.
> Given that ODRL (both the XML and RDF/OWL representations) can express CC semantics, then you could use ODRL for this purpose - as your Blog indicates CC being used by some LOD datasets (although it is arguable that a dataset could be classified as a "literary and/or artistic work" - but that is for the lawyers ;-)
> Also, in the ODRL XML Encoding [1], we looked at the Open Data Commons as an example, and given some specific ODC terms, we could also use ODRL for this purpose.
> In general though, we have not done the specific analysis for LOD Datasets.
> This would be a good activity for us to do and to then propose an "ODRL Profile for LOD Datasets".
> Would you be interested in leading this work?
> Cheers...
> Renato Iannella
> Semantic Identity
> Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206
> [1]

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 91336 3672
Skype: vroddon3

Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 10:58:01 UTC