Re: Proposal for new Common Vocab term: License

Hi all - thanks for your comments and feedback - this highlights the fact that we need to spend time on the definitions of terms to reduce ambiguity.

In general, and Action is a verb. So "license" is actually "licensing".

So Jeff is spot on that the action "license" would mean "grant rights to others" (and nothing else).
If the assignee wanted to do something else with the asset (like print it) then that is another permission.

So his definition of “The act of granting the right to use the asset” is much clearer.

However, I would take this one step further (as ODRL is more than a "rights" language now) and link it to the Agreement Policy Type (which refers to licenses)...and define "license" as "The act of granting agreements to use the asset"

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 11:48:25 UTC