Re: News industry requirement: action "license"

Thank you, Michael.


On Nov 12, 2012, at 9:49 AM, Michael Steidl (IPTC) <> wrote:

> Hi Cindy
> Re 1) usage and time limitation can be expressed by ODRL’s permission structure. You have to be aware that the actions “lease”, “sell” etc are defined by the ODRL Common Vocabulary = a controlled vocabulary. Therefore: a) check your spelling as the strings are actually identifiers, uppercase makes the term invalid, and b) each term has a definition, if the definition of “lease” is “for a fixed period” then a user must not apply “no time limitations” but define for which time exactly the lease applies.
> Re 2) “share” was proposed by Stephen, from IPTC’s needs it does not help.
> Re 3) This discussion is not about terminology but about members of a controlled vocabulary and as a term is also an identifier it cannot ever be changed.
> Michael
> From: [] 
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 2:54 PM
> To: Stephen Downes
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: News industry requirement: action "license"
> Dear Michael,
> 1. Do Rights Managed asset licenses fall under the scope of your test? If so, how will you express finite licenses--usage of an asset for a specific usage and period of time? Will use the word "Lease" in conjunction with a pre-defined usage term?
> 2. It seems to me that "Share", is a specific type of "Lease", under your terminology.
> 3. Why not use the word "License" instead of "Lease". It seems much clearer.
> Cindy
> On Nov 9, 2012, at 6:40 AM, Stephen Downes <> wrote:
> Hiya all,
> I would create four types of actions;
> - sell  
> - lease
> - share
> - give
> The 'share' action covers cases where use rigths are granted, with terms, but without compensation, and without transfer of title, as for example under Creative Commons.
> -- Stephen
> On 09/11/2012 5:58 AM, Michael Steidl (IPTC) wrote:
> Hi ODRLers:
> The RightsML group of IPTC is currently running an Experimental Phase of this standard which builds on ODRL.
> One of the feedbacks is: how to express that content is licensed to a party:
> -          The ODRL action “sell” defines that it is about trading an asset – which is understood by the legislation of many countries the a full transition of the ownership is executed. This is not the case for licensing.
> -          The ODR action “lease” defines that an asset is made available for a fixed period of time. The licensing of news content is in most cases in perpetuity.
> -          The ODR action “give” defines the period as “in perpetuity” – but “without exchange of value”, which is not the business model of most news providers ;-)
> Please point at any existing actions with an appropriate definition or please think about adding this action to the ODRL vocabulary:
> Name: license
> Definition: The act of making available the asset to a third-party in perpetuity with exchange of value.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> Michael Steidl
> Managing Director of the IPTC []
> International Press Telecommunications Council 
> Web: - on Twitter @IPTC
> Business office address:
> Since 1 November 2012: 25 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AL, United Kingdom
> Registered in England, company no 101096
> --
> Stephen Downes
> Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
> ~
> Free Learning

Received on Monday, 12 November 2012 16:27:08 UTC