Re: Merged a lot

Hi Clint, 

On Monday, January 14, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Clint Hill wrote:

> For the moment - disregard the WebIDL interface tests - I'd like to
> rewrite those to make them use the require statement as well (no need to
> use setTimeout the way I did).

Ok, no probs. 
> Modules don't switch (not sure what you mean by that exactly).

Just the order in which they are loaded. 
> RequireJS
> holds an identity map of modules and when the test modules are loaded they
> could make use of the entire set of modules that are loaded by the
> original require func (as done by require.js with data-main).

Ok, as I had changed that from the original to a new file I confused myself :)  
> Qunit starts
> on any test func call.

Ok. I guess this answers my question. I'd stopped auto running tests by disabling it in my own configuration (QUnit.config.autostart = false;). I'm starting to see how it works now. 
> Load order actually could be guaranteed within the
> dependencies array of the require func if we were to include the order
> plugin. But as for each module, that load order is based on the script
> include order in index.html.

Thanks Clint, that explanation was really helpful! :) I'll finish up the Byte tests and then swap over to your model. 

Marcos Caceres

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 18:30:26 UTC