Re: Merged a lot

For the moment - disregard the WebIDL interface tests - I'd like to
rewrite those to make them use the require statement as well (no need to
use setTimeout the way I did).

Modules don't switch (not sure what you mean by that exactly). RequireJS
holds an identity map of modules and when the test modules are loaded they
could make use of the entire set of modules that are loaded by the
original require func (as done by require.js with data-main). Qunit starts
on any test func call. Load order actually could be guaranteed within the
dependencies array of the require func if we were to include the order
plugin. But as for each module, that load order is based on the script
include order in index.html.

On 1/14/13 11:03 AM, "Marcos Caceres" <> wrote:

>On Monday, January 14, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Marcos Caceres wrote:
>> Ok, I see what you are doing now. Yeah, I like your approach.
>So, looking at: 
>How are the tests run? (i.e., where is QUnit.start() called?) I can see a
>setTimeout() on the WebIDL interface tests, but what happens if any of
>the files are not ready before the timeout is called? (this happened to
>Also, won't you be switching modules as each script file is loaded but
>then requires is run async?
>Like, if you run, 
>module("WebIDL Boolean");
>//async load Boolean.
>module("WebIDL Octet");
>//async load 0ctet.
>The load order is not guaranteed, is it?
>Marcos Caceres

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 18:10:50 UTC