Re: Merged a lot

On Monday, January 14, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Clint Hill wrote:
> That's correct.
> Grunt 0.3.x had the config file as grunt.js. Grunt 0.4.x is going to use Gruntfile.js. As well there are significant changes to the internals (qunit, uglify, jshint) that are breaking at the moment. In order to use Grunt on the 0.4.x path you will need to be sure to update your local Grunt:
> npm uninstall -g grunt
> npm install -g grunt-cli
> Once you have this setup, our project will hold all the necessary modules. Having said that: I strongly urge us to continue on this path as Grunt is becoming quite feature rich and IMO the changes that are in play are "good" and we should stick it out.

I agree - grunt is good. Thanks Clint for the clarification.  

Can we capture the above in the project readme?

Marcos Caceres

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 16:21:25 UTC