Re: Ios Camera Sensor Resolution limitation

Hi Thibault,

getUserMedia was developed in the WebRTC Working Group. I suggest that you create an issue in the GitHub repo of Media Capture and Streams:

Thank you!

> On Mar 16, 2019, at 0:23, Thibault LAURIANO <> wrote:
> Hi Everybody 
> I would like to notice a big limitation on Ios Devices limitation Sensors espacialy with the back Camera 
> On Safari ios Last versions 12.1..:
> Getusermedia 
> Actually limited for video recording to only 640X480 resolutionšŸ¤® instead 1080P 2 years ago and instead 4K possibility to the native Apps
> With this limitation Apple assure an artificial "plus value" with his Appstore model distribution and limit web plateforme communication possibilities, machine learning, video contribution plateformes and lot of other models 
> By this way it's complicate for artists and developers to create a new Prism and  competitive alternative Ethics platform instead GAFA .The Web is not only Google and Facebook.But for lot of young people.Web is Google or Facebook now
> You need to ensure that a minimum is respected to ensure greater competition between models and ideas and allow Internet users to have a better plurality.
> Internet is mainly mobile now and people communicate more with videos ; voice 
> So Constructors like apple must to deliver a descent access to his sensors on Ios Devices.
> Not espacialy 4K but i think 1080P like in the past are enough for mobile.
> They could keep 4K and 3D for them and continue to sell his product with quality advantage but not restrict like that web possibilities
> Other design behavior is compromise for some obscures reasons and with actual progress it is not normal
> Thank you in advance and i hope your team members will do the necessary for this important thing

Received on Monday, 18 March 2019 03:03:28 UTC