[agenda] March 17 teleconf - 1h earlier in Europe
[agenda] Tue March 31 teleconf - back to normal time in Europe
[agenda] Tuesday March 10 teleconf - 1h earlier in Europe
[agenda] Tuesday March 24 teleconf - 1h earlier in Europe
[agenda] Tuesday March 3 telecon
[minutes] March 10 teleconf
[minutes] Tue 31st March teleconf
[minutes] Tue March 24 telecon
[minutes] Tuesday March 17 teleconf
[minutes] Tuesday March 3rd teleconf
Blog proposal - Try your mobile browser before you buy
delivering test cases
Early testing efforts in geolocation
Hosting memory test on w3c server
Late Regrets
mobiles tests by ppk
New JQuery test proposal; keeping inputmode or not?
Proposed blog on WCTMB graphics
Some enhancements to Web Compatibility Test
Summer time in the US (was: [agenda] Tuesday March 3 telecon)
Today Call
Updated DI testing Guidelines
WCTMB updated with JQuery test
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 2009 15:25:16 UTC