Determining MW4D Core Values

Dear Group


Following our various teleconference discussions and email threads dealing
with the wide range of issues and decisions facing the Group, Stephane and I
felt that it might help move things along if we developed a simple framework
for the Group to work to. We intend this document to outline key, core
values as we move forward, and to outline the parameters of our work.


The document sets out to define technology choices, devices, audience,
providers and connectivity, and to set a working definition for "mobile


It is essential that we agree on a set of core values to avoid the Group
running off in different directions. The basic essence is this - to work
with what's available TODAY.


Comments are welcome in advance of the next teleconference on Monday, where
we will set an Agenda item to discuss it in more detail.


Many thanks.


Ken Banks



"Where technology meets anthropology, conservation and development"


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Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 21:19:29 UTC