Converting to SMuFL

Hi all,

I use High-Logic Font Creator. Is there an app that derives the Json 
info from a High-Logic Font Creator source file? I asked about SMuFL on 
the Font Creator discussion board, but as of mid-2022 no one there knew 
about SMuFL.

My re-tooled version of Revere (RevereFinale) is not a SMuFL font.  I'd 
like to maintain future compatibility if/when Finale abandons non-SMuFL 
fonts. The original source (from Graphire Music Press) went silent two 
decades ago so I re-tooled it myself to work with Finale (including 
fixing errors in the original with nodes and vectors). Though the author 
has abandoned it, he hasn't released it publicly. So as a one-time GMP 
user, I have the font just for myself and haven't shared it except with 
the programmers who need to recognize it to make their plugins work. is 
very helpful and hopeful. For now, I can just re-map the RevereFinale 
font for SMuFL and add the many other symbols I have made in several 
companion custom fonts that appear in my scores, and as time goes by, 
add to it. As I said, it's just for me, so I'm not worried about having 
the latest version. Unless GMP releases the original Revere, it will 
stay here in my shop.

But before I begin the work re-mapping, I'm wary of the effort needed to 
make the Json file by hand without an app that works with Font Creator. 
(I haven't been any sort of programmer since the 1990s.) Suggestions?

Thank you,
(long-time member, first time poster)

Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 17:39:08 UTC