Re: Translation of "Cut triple time (9/8)"

I don’t know of any vernacular translations of this time signature (which was never in very common use) but I wouldn’t use “alla breve” which would be anachronistic. Some terms used in other contexts would be “stroked three” or “stroked triple”. Or “triple time in diminution” might be acceptable to translate. For a better Dutch translation to work towards Afrikaans with you might contact Rob C Wegman, prof. At Princeton who is an expert on early stroked time signature signs in addition to being a native Dutch speaker. 


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Apologies for typos or general brevity

> On Jan 4, 2021, at 22:08, Riaan Van Niekerk <> wrote:
> timeSigCut3

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2021 08:47:50 UTC