Re: Use Cases

> This looks really great! I have three comments/suggestions:
> 1. Can users act in a number of Roles simultaneously? I think they can,
> and I suggest we state this explicitly.

Absolutely, they can definitely inhabit multiple roles. I have made a
change to clarify this point just now.

As a side note, in many cases the roles given in the use cases are more
specific than they need to be. I think this is OK; it's easy to see that a
Publisher and a Composer and an Engraver could all reasonably want to do
the same things, and our work does not gain much by multiplying the use
cases in this say.

Accordingly, I don't think we should be overly concerned about which
section cases are listed in.

2. Perhaps we should introduce the user role Learner.

I note that we do have a *Student* role. How would *Learner* differ from
this? (I think it could be different, I am just trying to expose more of
the thinking behind it. Feel free to edit the wiki and add some role

3. An additional use case for addressing/referencing music notation.
> *[User] wants to address and reference a selection of musical text within
> a notation document.*

I think we may have captured this case already as follows (but perhaps not
very clearly):

*Musicologist, within one document, wants to reference a specific element,
range or position of a work in the same or a different document using some
kind of anchor construct. *

By the way, the fact that this case is "Musicologist" doesn't mean that no
other roles would want to do this same thing -- just that the use case came
up while thinking about musicological tasks.

> I am not entirely sure under which heading this should go, since it is
> related to the a number of other proposed use cases, such as
>  - "highlight" use cases in the "Arbitrary apps" section,
>  - *"cross-reference readings or interpretations with their source
> material, in this document or elsewhere." *

I think that cross-referencing readings/interpretations is captured by the
above case but if you feel it can be usefully broken out as a separate use
case, do feel free to add it somewhere!



Received on Wednesday, 25 November 2015 19:56:43 UTC