RE: Use Cases

I don’t know exactly what Zoltan meant, but to me, a “Student” is someone who is taking lessons and needs to be able to interact with their instructor in a variety of ways (accepting and turning in assignments, for example), whereas a “Learner” is someone who is learning how to play a particular piece – perhaps “Practicer” is a better term. Many of a Practicer’s use cases are the same as a Performer’s – listening, viewing just their part, transposition, unrolling repeats, etc. However, the needs during practice are different than the needs during a performance.

A Practicer might want:
To listen at a slower tempo than written so that a tricky portion of the music can be mastered.
To annotate the music to indicate tricky spots, breath marks, etc.
To assess their current performance against the score

A Performer might want:
To quickly find pieces to play (when taking requests during a live performance, for example)
To view annotations made while practicing or contributed from a conductor



Christina Noel
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From: Joe Berkovitz []
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 1:56 PM
To: Zoltan Komives <>
Subject: Re: Use Cases

This looks really great! I have three comments/suggestions:
1. Can users act in a number of Roles simultaneously? I think they can, and I suggest we state this explicitly.

Absolutely, they can definitely inhabit multiple roles. I have made a change to clarify this point just now.

As a side note, in many cases the roles given in the use cases are more specific than they need to be. I think this is OK; it's easy to see that a Publisher and a Composer and an Engraver could all reasonably want to do the same things, and our work does not gain much by multiplying the use cases in this say.

Accordingly, I don't think we should be overly concerned about which section cases are listed in.

2. Perhaps we should introduce the user role Learner.

I note that we do have a Student role. How would Learner differ from this? (I think it could be different, I am just trying to expose more of the thinking behind it. Feel free to edit the wiki and add some role definitions.)

3. An additional use case for addressing/referencing music notation.

[User] wants to address and reference a selection of musical text within a notation document.

I think we may have captured this case already as follows (but perhaps not very clearly):

Musicologist, within one document, wants to reference a specific element, range or position of a work in the same or a different document using some kind of anchor construct.

By the way, the fact that this case is "Musicologist" doesn't mean that no other roles would want to do this same thing -- just that the use case came up while thinking about musicological tasks.

I am not entirely sure under which heading this should go, since it is related to the a number of other proposed use cases, such as
 - "highlight" use cases in the "Arbitrary apps" section,
 - "cross-reference readings or interpretations with their source material, in this document or elsewhere."

I think that cross-referencing readings/interpretations is captured by the above case but if you feel it can be usefully broken out as a separate use case, do feel free to add it somewhere!



Received on Wednesday, 25 November 2015 20:20:34 UTC