- From: Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org>
- Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 20:44:20 +0100
- To: lider <lider@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es>, "public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org" <public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org>
Hi all, this mail goes to the LIDER participants and the MLW-LT folks. Topic: presence of projects on the MLW site http://www.multilingualweb.eu Currently the site has only material related to the first project: the thematic network "MultilingualWeb" that run from 2010 to 2012. I would like to discuss on Tuesday 1) how to bring in other projects: MLW-LT (ending in December) and LIDER (started in November). 2) what information to bring in. Proposed: * short summar of project aim (1-2 paragraphs max) * list of project partners, * link to project site, that is for MLW-LT that is www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/ , for LIDER that is http://www.lider-project.eu/ . The "message" with this link should be: the real work of the project is done on the project site. MLW serves as a hub for outreach and community building. * list of publications or other material, or link to the lists on the project site. For MLW-LT that would be http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/Outreach_material The events undertaken via the general MLW brand are the MLW workshops. So from the "events" tab on the MLW site, it makes sense to continue only to link to these workshops. However, it may make sense to have separate tabs for the supporting projects and link to events undertaken by these. That is one item to be discussed on Tuesday. The goal on Tuesday is to get a general agreement on how to present the past (MLW thematic network) the presence (MLW-LT) and the future (LIDER). The idea is to have a general approach so that it can be taken up by other projects in the future. A part of this discussion is about logos: There isthe original MLW logo. MLW-LT created its own logo and an ITS2 logo. All these logos are currently being gathered at http://www.w3.org/International/logos/Overview.html The LIDER project has created a logo that IMO should be presented in above "logos" page to - this will support the story we are telling on the MLW site. Thoughts in this thread welcome, and let's dicusss on Tuesday. Best, Felix
Received on Sunday, 24 November 2013 23:19:30 UTC