RE: video ITS 2.0: Remind to provide a Script and fill in the Doodle (before 22 November)

Dear Nieves, Dear All,

I filled in the Doodle. I will be available on December 5-6.

Also, please find enclosed the draft script for the Terminology Annotation Showcase video.

Please let me know about further steps - how I can further help to proceed with the video?

Thank you and best wishes,

From: Nieves Sande []
Sent: pirmdiena, 2013. gada 18. novembris 11:28
Cc: Felix Sasaki; Lommel
Subject: video ITS 2.0: Remind to provide a Script and fill in the Doodle (before 22 November)

Dear all,

This is a reminder to the ones who want to participate with a Screencast, which will be presented next to the main Video about ITS 2.0.
Please provide a script of your screencast by the end of the week (22 November), and fill in the doodle: to allow us to know, which date will fit you to proceed with the screencast recording.

Thanks very much.



Received on Saturday, 23 November 2013 20:44:03 UTC