- From: Pablo Nieto Caride <pablo.nieto@linguaserve.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 10:51:32 +0100
- To: "'Yves Savourel'" <ysavourel@enlaso.com>, <public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org>
Good point Yves! I think that the option of having external files with the standoff information could be very useful, for instance with metadata such as Provenance where the number of records in a document can be huge. Cheers, Pablo. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linked data got me to think about Felix' note about the possibility of reversing the pointers for standoff markup: Currently we have an IRI in the content that points to the standoff data. The reverse would be to have an id in the content to which the standoff data points to. One thing we would lose by reversing the direction would be the capability to have standoff data in a different document than the one where the content is: The processor would have no way to know what would be the external files to process. I'm not sure if having standoff in external files is a must, but that capability is there currently and I assume it could be handy in XML cases where the host vocabulary doesn't allow to add embedded standoff ITS markup -ys
Received on Thursday, 14 March 2013 09:52:00 UTC