Re: [ACTION-487][ISSUE-97][ISSUE--118] HTML5 Defaults

Am 19.04.13 13:39, schrieb Yves Savourel:
>> If having separate HTML5+ITS spec is not an option, then I
>> think we can simply reference HTML5 for translateable attributes.
>>   Of course this will not guarantee 100% interop as each
>> implementation has its own development cycle and will track
>> possible changes in HTML5 with different speed.
>> But from spec point of view we will have clean hands.
> So we would add the defaults in the specifications for Element Within Text, (since Language Information and Id Value are already there)


> , and just have a note stating why no defaults are defined for Translate (attribute and elements, not just attribute).


> And, I suppose this is where Felix' idea of referencing a wiki page would play, we could add a pointer to the page in the ITS-IG wiki that define the temporary best guess we have for Translate at this time.


> As for HTML5 vs XHTML5: I'd say our defaults would apply to both. But we don't mention anything below that because they are out of scope.
>> So when an ITS processors processing "within text", not having
>> any "within text" rules or inlne markup, consumes a DOM and sees
>> a "span" element in the HTML namespace - what "within text"
>> property should it assume?
> withinText='yes': Our defaults would apply to HTML5 and its XHTML representation.

Sorry, I wasn't clear: the DOM with the "span" element can be created 
from HTML5 in the XHTML representation - but also from XHTML. That is, 
if a tool just "sees" the dom the tool doesn't know where it comes from. 
So should it assume from HTML5 (that is, withinText="yes") or from XHTML 
(that is, withinText="no")?



Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 14:31:09 UTC