- From: Jirka Kosek <jirka@kosek.cz>
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 10:14:30 +0200
- To: Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org>
- CC: Yves Savourel <ysavourel@enlaso.com>, public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org
- Message-ID: <5170FCE6.6040207@kosek.cz>
On 19.4.2013 0:03, Felix Sasaki wrote: > I disagree: we are trying to state the relation between ITS2 and HTML5. > ITS2 within a few months will be a standard. HTML5 will take at least > one more year. We cannot state in ITS2 a relation between ITS2 and a > moving target. > > By "moving target" in HTML5 I mean the HTML5 "translate" related > mechanisms itself, e.g. the relation between elements and attributes. > What will we do with ITS2 if e.g. the relation between "title" > attributes and translatable elements changes? We will have three ways to > express "Translate": > > - format independent: without further ITS information, a "title" > attribute is not translatable > - ITS2 HTML5 translate version April 2013, related to HTML5 spec version > X: if the corresponding element is translatable, a "title" attribute is > translatable as well. > - HTML5 recommendation: we don't know anything about "title". If ITS 2.0 should be useful for HTML5 it should define how ITS+HTML5 is handled. Until HTML5 freezes we can't freeze ITS 2.0. We need to freeze ITS 2.0 in order to keep up with our schedule. => Solution is to split HTML5 related parts from ITS 2.0 into a separate document which will proceed with its own speed copying HTML5 progress. I have been proposing this in past but the idea was abandoned because we have HTML5 support in charter. If having separate HTML5+ITS spec is not an option, then I think we can simply reference HTML5 for translateable attributes. Of course this will not guarantee 100% interop as each implementation has its own development cycle and will track possible changes in HTML5 with different speed. But from spec point of view we will have clean hands. Jirka -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jirka Kosek e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz http://xmlguru.cz ------------------------------------------------------------------ Professional XML consulting and training services DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing ------------------------------------------------------------------ OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 rep. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bringing you XML Prague conference http://xmlprague.cz ------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 08:15:01 UTC