[ACTION-217] - StorageSize linebreaks

Hi all,

Here is an initial proposal for dealing with the type of line breaks for the Storage Size data category:

For the global rule we would add:

None or exactly one of the following two attributes:

- lineBreakType="lf|cr|crlf|nel" where:

lf means the linebreak is U+000A (e.g. Linux)
cr means the linebreak is U+000D (e.g. Macintosh)
crlf means the linebreak is U+000D followed by U+000A (Windows)
nel means the linebreak is U+0085 (e.g. EBCEDIC systems)

(Note: I don't include 'rs' for U+001E used in pre-POSIX QNX systems as it is obsolete)
(Note: I've included 'nel' for EBCEDIC, but I really wonder about this)

- lineBreakTypePointer: a relative XPath expression pointing to an attribute or element with the exact same semantics as lineBreakPointer.

For the local markup we would add:

An optional lineBreaType="lr|cr|crlf|nel" (same as above).

The default value would be 'lf' in all cases.


Received on Saturday, 15 September 2012 11:15:12 UTC