Re: Schema refactoring

On 9.9.2012 14:04, Felix Sasaki wrote:
> Same here - of course, Jirka, feel free to take that action item to do the
> refactoring :) ,  if that works for you.


unfortunatelly I have realized that it will not be so easy. As
specification uses TEI ODD, schema is composed semiautomatically from
fragments and what I want to do is not possible with ODD at least
without extending and rewriting parts of ODD machinery.

So one more even radical thought:

What about completely removing all sections "Markup Declarations..."
which include fragments of schema. We can author schema in hand and put
it into appendix or link it from appendix.

I see some advantages of this approach:

- specification will be shorter for reading because it will not be
interleaved with schema fragments

- specification might seem more "HTML5-friendly" as it will not be
dispersed by fragments of RNC/BNF syntax

- we will create much better and reasonably designed schemas:

-- schema with definition of datatypes only
-- schema with definition of generic ITS elements/attributes (which will
reference base datatypes)
-- schema with definition of HTML5-only ITS attributes (which will
reference base datatypes)


- all changes made in spec have to be transfered into separate schema.
It will be easier to forgot to do this. On the other hand I can double
check schema before each significant release. Also currently schema is
inlined, but all definitions are repeated three times so there is also
high chance for not syncing everything.

Opinions, thoughts?


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail:
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

Received on Monday, 10 September 2012 10:11:04 UTC