Re: [all] XML from drupal

2012/10/26 Yves Savourel <>

> It think it should work also without changes for the Okapi implementation.
> For backward compatibility it needs to work with the starting context for
> the evaluation being the selected node. If absolute expressions work the
> same there (and I don't see why they should not) then it should be fine.
> But just one extra note of caution: Was there any good reason why it was
> decided to use relative path in 1.0?

The main point ist that we allow for relative paths for pointer attributes.
If we would require absolute paths here, you could not make use of the
context, e.g. you could not point to the child element - with the absolute
path that is always the root element.



I can't recall much about that.
> -yves
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shaun McCance []
> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 3:37 PM
> To: Felix Sasaki
> Cc: Mauricio del Olmo; Karl Fritsche; Yves Savourel;
> Subject: Re: [all] XML from drupal
> Fine by me, unless any other implementers have difficulties.
> It actually already works in itstool. I never wrote a check to forbid it,
> and libxml2 does what you'd expect it to do.
> On Thu, 2012-10-25 at 23:22 +0200, Felix Sasaki wrote:
> > Exactly. So changing in selector
> >
> >
> > "The relative selector MUST use a RelativeLocationPath as described in
> > XPath 1.0."
> >
> >
> > to
> >
> >
> > "The relative selector MUST use a RelativeLocationPath or an
> > AbsoluteLocationPath as described in XPath 1.0."
> >
> >
> > and add some explanatory text will make things for "path" authors much
> > easier, and it will change nothing for implementors - they'll use an
> > XPath library anyway.
> >
> >
> > Felix
> >
> >
> > 2012/10/25 Shaun McCance <>
> >         You can always mimic an absolute path with a relative path:
> >
> >         ancestor::h:html/h:head/h:meta[@name='keywords]'/@content
> >
> >         Or more generically:
> >
> >         ancestor::*[last()]/whatever...
> >
> >         On Thu, 2012-10-25 at 20:24 +0200, Felix Sasaki wrote:
> >         > The should just simply say that the pointer attributes may
> >         also
> >         > contain an absolute location path. The difference is very
> >         simple:
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > "An absolute location path consists of / optionally followed
> >         by a
> >         > relative location path."
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > Felix
> >         >
> >         > 2012/10/25 Mauricio del Olmo
> >         <>
> >         >         Hi Karl, Yves.
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         Maybe with parent XPath rules?
> >         >
> >         >         The body is selected by the selector and then it is
> >         needed to
> >         >         go back one level and then go to the head/meta:
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         <its:domainRule selector="/h:html/h:body"
> >         >
> >         domainPointer="../h:head/h:meta[@name='keywords']/@content"/>
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         I’m not sure if this is correct:
> >         >
> >         >         ../h:head/h:meta[@name='keywords']/@content
> >         >
> >         >         or this:
> >         >
> >         >         h:body/../h:head/h:meta[@name='keywords']/@content
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         Cheers.
> >         >
> >         >         __________________________________
> >         >
> >         >         Mauricio del Olmo Martínez
> >         >
> >         >         Dpto. Técnico/I+D+i
> >         >
> >         >         Linguaserve Internacionalización de Servicios, S.A.
> >         >
> >         >         Tel.: +34 91 761 64 60 ext. 0421
> >         >         Fax: +34 91 542 89 28
> >         >
> >         >         E-mail:
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         «En cumplimiento con lo previsto con los artículos
> >         21 y 22 de
> >         >         la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la
> >         Sociedad de
> >         >         Información y Comercio Electrónico, le informamos
> >         que
> >         >         procederemos al archivo y tratamiento de sus datos
> >         >         exclusivamente con fines de promoción de los
> >         productos y
> >         >         servicios ofrecidos por LINGUASERVE
> >         >         SERVICIOS, S.A. En caso de que Vdes. no deseen que
> >         procedamos
> >         >         al archivo y tratamiento de los datos
> >         proporcionados, o no
> >         >         deseen recibir comunicaciones comerciales sobre los
> >         productos
> >         >         y servicios ofrecidos, comuníquenoslo a
> >         >, y su petición será
> >         inmediatamente
> >         >         cumplida.»
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         "According to the provisions set forth in articles
> >         21 and 22
> >         >         of Law 34/2002 of July 11 regarding Information
> >         Society and
> >         >         eCommerce Services, we will store and use your
> >         personal data
> >         >         with the sole purpose of marketing the products and
> >         services
> >         >         offered by LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE
> >         SERVICIOS, S.A.
> >         >         If you do not wish your personal data to be stored
> >         and
> >         >         handled, or you do not wish to receive further
> >         information
> >         >         regarding products and services offered by our
> >         company, please
> >         >         e-mail us to Your request
> >         will be
> >         >         processed immediately.”
> >         >
> >         >         __________________________________
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         De: Karl Fritsche
> >         []
> >         >         Enviado el: jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012 20:01
> >         >         Para: Yves Savourel
> >         >         CC: 'Mauricio del Olmo';
> >
> >         >         Asunto: Re: [all] XML from drupal
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         Hi Yves,
> >         >
> >         >         you are absolutely right to be consistent. If it
> >         would be
> >         >         changed to absolute, it should be renamed.
> >         >         But back to the original question: How would this
> >         example then
> >         >         look like in html5? As far as I know <meta> is not
> >         allowed in
> >         >         the <body>, but the selector should point to the
> >         <body> or any
> >         >         element in it. From there its hard to get back
> >         >         to /html/head/meta with a relative selector.
> >         >
> >         >         Cheers,
> >         >         Karl
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         On 25.10.2012 14:59, Yves Savourel wrote:
> >         >                 Hi Karl,
> >         >
> >         >                 You are right: the examples in the draft are
> >         wrong as per the current definition in the draft.
> >         >                 The definition is: "A required domainPointer
> >         attribute that contains a relative selector pointing to a node
> >         that contains the domain information."
> >         >
> >         >                 Good catch.
> >         >
> >         >                 As for whether or not it should be relative
> >         or absolute, I think it should be consistent with the other
> >         pointer-like attributes unless there is a compelling reason to
> >         be different.
> >         >
> >         >                 -yves
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >                 From: Karl Fritsche
> >         []
> >         >                 Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:47 AM
> >         >                 To: Yves Savourel
> >         >                 Cc: Mauricio del Olmo;
> >
> >         >                 Subject: Re: [all] XML from drupal
> >         >
> >         >                 Hi Yves,
> >         >
> >         >                 I'm confused right now. On Tuesday Felix and
> >         you fixed the domain example. But If I look at the current
> >         examples the domainPointer is still absolute from the root
> >         element and not relative from the selector. If the
> >         domainPointer is relative, then we couldn't use the meta tag
> >         in the head, because the selector points to the body.
> >         >
> >         >                 selector: selects the nodes to which this
> >         rule applies.
> >         >                 domainPointer: pointing to a node that
> >         contains the domain information
> >         >
> >         >                 Shouldn't be both absolute? In XML it is not
> >         a problem to add the domain to the selected node, but for HTML
> >         it would not so easy, especially when we suggest to use the
> >         meta-tag in the head, which is definitely outside the scope of
> >         the selector.
> >         >
> >         >                 If I'm wrong at least domainPointer is
> >         missing in " selector". ;)
> >         >
> >         >                 Cheers,
> >         >                 Karl
> >         >
> >         >                 On 25.10.2012 13:46, Mauricio del Olmo
> >         wrote:
> >         >                 Hi Yves.
> >         >                 Thanks for pointing at it.
> >         >                 I’ve informed of this to Karl (Cocomore)
> >         also.
> >         >                 I’ll change the example in the use case.
> >         >                 Cheers.
> >         >                 __________________________________
> >         >                 Mauricio del Olmo Martínez
> >         >                 Dpto. Técnico/I+D+i
> >         >                 Linguaserve Internacionalización de
> >         Servicios, S.A.
> >         >                 Tel.: +34 91 761 64 60 ext. 0421
> >         >                 Fax: +34 91 542 89 28
> >         >                 E-mail:
> >         >       
> >         >                 «En cumplimiento con lo previsto con los
> >         artículos 21 y 22 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de
> >         Servicios de la Sociedad de Información y Comercio
> >         Electrónico, le informamos que procederemos al archivo y
> >         tratamiento de sus datos exclusivamente con fines de promoción
> >         de los productos y servicios ofrecidos por LINGUASERVE
> >         INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS, S.A. En caso de que Vdes.
> >         no deseen que procedamos al archivo y tratamiento de los datos
> >         proporcionados, o no deseen recibir comunicaciones comerciales
> >         sobre los productos y servicios ofrecidos, comuníquenoslo a
> >, y su petición será inmediatamente
> >         cumplida.»
> >         >                 "According to the provisions set forth in
> >         articles 21 and 22 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 regarding
> >         Information Society and eCommerce Services, we will store and
> >         use your personal data with the sole purpose of marketing the
> >         products and services offered by LINGUASERVE
> >         INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS, S.A. If you do not wish
> >         your personal data to be stored and handled, or you do not
> >         wish to receive further information regarding products and
> >         services offered by our company, please e-mail us to
> > Your request will be processed
> >         immediately.”
> >         >                 __________________________________
> >         >                 -----Mensaje original-----
> >         >                 De: Yves Savourel
> >         []
> >         >                 Enviado el: miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012
> >         23:45
> >         >                 Para:
> >         >                 Asunto: RE: [all] XML from drupal
> >         >                 Hi Maurico, all,
> >         >                 One more note on the example here:
> >         >
> >
> >         >                 The domainPointer attribute in this rule:
> >         >                 <its:domainRule
> >         domainPointer="//job[@id=11]/@domain"
> >         selector="//job[@id='11']"/>
> >         >                 Is not valid: Pointers are relative
> >         selectors (See
> >
> based on the nodes corresponding to the selector attribute. So should be
> something like:
> >         >
> >         >                 <its:domainRule domainPointer="@domain"
> >         selector="//job[@id='11']"/>
> >         >                 Hopefully we can have things like that
> >         checked with the ITS schema at some point (maybe it does
> >         already).
> >         >                 Cheers,
> >         >                 -yves
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >         --
> >         >         Karl Fritsche, Junior Software Developer
> >         >         Tel.: +49 69 972 69 2604; Mob.: +49 1520 206 30 93;
> >         Fax: +49
> >         >         69 972 69 199; Email:
> >         >         Cocomore AG, Gutleutstraße 30, D-60329 Frankfurt
> >         >         Internet: Facebook:
> >         > Google+:
> >         >
> >         >         Cocomore is active member of the World Wide Web
> >         Consortium
> >         >         (W3C)
> >         >         Vorstand: Dr. Hans-Ulrich von Freyberg (Vors.), Dr.
> >         Jens
> >         >         Fricke, Marc Kutschera, Vors. des Aufsichtsrates:
> >         Martin
> >         >         Velasco, Sitz: Frankfurt/Main, Amtsgericht Frankfurt
> >         am Main,
> >         >         HRB 51114
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > --
> >         > Felix Sasaki
> >         > DFKI / W3C Fellow
> >         >
> >         >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Felix Sasaki
> > DFKI / W3C Fellow
> >
> >

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2012 22:49:18 UTC