- From: Mauricio del Olmo <mauricio.delolmo@linguaserve.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 10:33:26 +0200
- To: "'Felix Sasaki'" <fsasaki@w3.org>, "'Yves Savourel'" <ysavourel@enlaso.com>
- Cc: "'Dave Lewis'" <dave.lewis@cs.tcd.ie>, <public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <020301cdb1c2$3c8c4590$b5a4d0b0$@linguaserve.com>
Hello. If anyone wants more detail, in the use case is the complete example file: http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/LSP_Localization_Cha in_Side_Use_Case_Demonstration#Step_3:_Postproduction_process I use the rule this way because in this Drupal XML format the <item> nodes are the potentially translatable ones and the minimum granularity to assign the translation/revision job is the individual content file exported from the CMS. That means that the same person is going to translate all the file and that the same revisor revises all the file. The correspondence between the CMS Web page content and the XML exported file will be 1 to 1, several page contents should not be merged in one XML file . This way the job could be done in an acceptable space of time and provides better translation context and coherence. This may be a rather special or particular case but I think it works (I have a question related to this in combination with the local its:translate attribute for Lyon). I could do this also, less elegant but doable: <item id="11-body-0-value" its:transOrg="Linguaserve" its:transPerson="XXXX" its:transRevOrg="Linguaserve" its:transRevPerson="YYYY"><![CDATA[<p> Malterdingen, 22.08.2012 – Auf der <span translate="no">Fakuma</span> in Friedrichshafen vom 16. bis 20. Oktober… ]]></item> Add the trans/rev provenance attributes on each item node. Perhaps more precise but repetitive. Cheers. __________________________________ Mauricio del Olmo Martínez Dpto. Técnico/I+D+i Linguaserve Internacionalización de Servicios, S.A. Tel.: +34 91 761 64 60 ext. 0421 Fax: +34 91 542 89 28 E-mail: <mailto:tecnico@linguaserve.com> tecnico@linguaserve.com www.linguaserve.com <http://www.linguaserve.com/> «En cumplimiento con lo previsto con los artículos 21 y 22 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de Información y Comercio Electrónico, le informamos que procederemos al archivo y tratamiento de sus datos exclusivamente con fines de promoción de los productos y servicios ofrecidos por LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS, S.A. En caso de que Vdes. no deseen que procedamos al archivo y tratamiento de los datos proporcionados, o no deseen recibir comunicaciones comerciales sobre los productos y servicios ofrecidos, comuníquenoslo a clients@linguaserve.com, y su petición será inmediatamente cumplida.» "According to the provisions set forth in articles 21 and 22 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 regarding Information Society and eCommerce Services, we will store and use your personal data with the sole purpose of marketing the products and services offered by LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS, S.A. If you do not wish your personal data to be stored and handled, or you do not wish to receive further information regarding products and services offered by our company, please e-mail us to clients@linguaserve.com. Your request will be processed immediately.” __________________________________ De: Felix Sasaki [mailto:fsasaki@w3.org] Enviado el: miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012 5:46 Para: Yves Savourel CC: Dave Lewis; public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org Asunto: Re: issue-51 too many global rules 2012/10/24 Yves Savourel <ysavourel@enlaso.com> Hi Dave, Felix, all, The rarity of use case for pointers in those data categories is also compounded when the data category has several values: As Felix noted, because of the complete overriding clause, we can only use all pointers or none for a data category. I would still argue to keep any refPointer to stand-off markup though. XLIFF 2.0 is a use case for it. +1. However, Mauricio had a nice example about global rules for provenance http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2012Oct/0291.h tml That seemed elegant and is similar to Dave's previous , so I'm not sure anymore how to move forward about the issue. Thoughts? Felix -yves -----Original Message----- From: Dave Lewis [mailto:dave.lewis@cs.tcd.ie] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5:37 PM To: Felix Sasaki Cc: public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org Subject: Re: issue-51 too many global rules Hi Felix, I have a further thought actually on pointer and ref pointer attributes in general below: On 23/10/2012 17:24, Felix Sasaki wrote: > If nobody uses the expressiveness, we don't need to add it to new data > categories in ITS 2.0. I still get nightmares from rubyPointer .... :) > In ITS 1.0 the expressiveness was mostly used on a per format basis, > e.g. saying "all 'alt' attributes at HTML 'img' should be translated. > I don't see the "per document format" or even "per template" use case > for > > QualityIssue, Quality Precis, Disambiguation, mtConfidence, text > analysis annotation, translation provenance. > > So for these the "pointer attributes" (or even reference pointer only) > might be sufficient. > So, I'm not even sure that we need even the pointer attributes for certain data categories. I tried to outlined in: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2012Oct/0079.h tml that pointer and points ref attributes didn't make much sense for data categories that were more provenential in nature, i.e. the were generated in the localisation chain, rather than being internationalisation instructions from content authoring processes. I probably didn't argue this very clearly, and apologies Felix for being slow in clarifying as you asked in: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2012Oct/0093.h tml Yves makes the point more succinctly in: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2012Oct/0272.h tml where he says: "I'm less concerned with 'complex/rare' data categories like Disambiguation, or MT Confidence, because it's unlikely an existing format has the equivalent." I'd agree. Certainly with provenance I found it difficult to come up with examples using Pointer and RefPointer data attributes. I couldn't think of an existing schema elements that I'd point to, so the examples use rather contrived elements. If this is the case, should we just state that people should use the direct value or ref ITS data attributes and drop Pointer and RefPointer in both GLOBAL and LOCAL usage? Shaun's excellent point about what to do when more than one node matches the relative path of a pointer is also significant here in killing off pointers: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2012Oct/0179.h tml I don't know if this applies to the quality issue data category. They use Pointer for mapping to 'native' attributes in example80 in the current draft, but did the native 'issue' element and those attributes 'type', 'note', 'value' and 'profile' attribute reflect a known used schema? So, Felix, regardless of the outcome of the other global rule discussions, in several cases (i.e. potentially for QualityIssue, Quality Precis, transAgentProvenance, disambiguation, text analysis annotation/confidence and mtconfidence) rather than pointers being 'sufficient', I don't think we need them _at all_ (for global or local). Thoughts? cheers, Dave > Best, > > Felix -- Felix Sasaki DFKI / W3C Fellow
Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 08:33:55 UTC