ISSUE 9: idValue

Hi all,

To follow up on the possible idValue feature:

I may not completely understand how PROV works yet, but it seems to me this would apply to store the id after it has been extracted.

So whether or not it's used in the output, it wouldn't change the need for an ITS rule for indicating how to acquire the ID values from original documents where you have existing IDs.

I also think this should be its own data category rather than an attribute in the translateRule (as the current extension proposal) because application may need to use the feature without using the Translate data category (for example with the Terminology data category).

We would have for example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <its:rules version="2.0" xmlns:its="">
  <its:idValueRule selector="//msg" idValue="@num"/>
 <msg num="123">Some text for ID 123</msg>

The local attribute xml:id would override the global rule, the same way xml:lang is the local attribute for the Language Information data category.


Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 08:02:19 UTC